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Showing 1 - 20 of 1,367 results
Search Results - (( a three were f...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,367 results
THE INTRAMURAL PROGRAMThe intramural program carried on during the past year has been verysuccessful, not only in the sense of participation but&...
University High School
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^Gfe^^sC THE LLAMARADA 2&Z@®l$£2fci§HISTORY OF ELLETTSVILLE SCHOOLSince the founding of the town of Ellettsville. educational facil...
Ellettsville High School
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The Mathematics ClubThe Mathematics Club was organized in BloomingtonHigh School during the fall term of 1912, with AlphaMcCaughan President, and Jane...
Bloomington High School
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THE WRESTLING SQUADTHE 1926-27 WRESTLING SEASONUnder the efficient training of Coach Harold Mumby, Bloomington wasagain represented by one of the stro...
Bloomington High School
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The course in the first Bloomington High School was merely a continuation of grammar school subjects with the addition of Latin and algebra....
Bloomington High School
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Interscholastic DebatingBLOOMINGTON High School has engaged in but two interscholastic debates this year, andunfortunately, came out loser in both.A team...
Bloomington High School
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One typed page including photograph; brief description of the Wabash Valley Basketball Tournament.
ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown people and events that have shaped our history.Wabash Valley High...
Vigo County Historical Society
Junior CarnivalrIBr9 Tw j 1Left to right: Roberta Fox, Anita Stapleton, Jane Hicks, Diane Abram, Barbara Crouch, Nancy Reeves, Janet Martin, ...
University High School
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WALTZ, Shelly; Darin Warthan;Rhonda Waterford; Christine Wattles;Rhonda Weaver; Karen Weddle; JillWeiss.WELCH, Tim; Cindi Wellman; DavidWhit...
Bloomington High School South
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^•kVriia«i^Or>(MIXED CHOIR.Row; owe—Patty Hacker, Barbara Clark, Rose Marie Duer-son, Jacquelyn Tucker, Lois Shiflet, Gloria Branam, ...
Bloomington High School
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HHHHHHHHI^^^HHm^B^^BBHIHHI^HHHHi^HHHIJHiHHTHE LLAMARADABIG NEWSPAPER SCOOP!Reporter On The Farm Delves Into the Seniors Past HistoryThe enti...
Ellettsville High School
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rB*1R AHistory of Unionville SchoolIn 1906 a small frame building with a belfry was built to replacethe original two-story log schoolhouse. ...
Unionville High School
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THE 1917-18 BASKETBALL SEASONThe Bloomington High School basketball team has had the most successful sea-son in the history of any High School...
Bloomington High School
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LLAMARADA* * *Carl SmithSmitty, the scoring- ace of the varsity, was a good all-round basketballstar, both from the offensive and defen...
Ellettsville High School
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student life\$kt?i have built castles in the air,work need not be lost; that ishere they should be. Now putfoundations under them....
Bloomington High School South
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THE DRAMATIC CLUBThe Dramatic Club was first organized in Bloomington HighSchool during the first semester of the year 1923-1924. The clubhad ope...
Bloomington High School
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Front: Script at top of postcard reads, Lily Pond and Auditorium (in the distance), Winona Lake, Ind.Back: Body of message reads,&...
The writer makes several comments. Free on Sunday. The Presybterians, who ran Winona, were strict sabbatarians. It would require work to collect,...
Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards
THE NORMAL ADVANCEThe Training School DepartmentJ. O. ENGLEMANAs the training school is an integral part ofthe Normal School, it, too, began the&...
Miss Telulah Robinson, ofgrades five and six
Miss Elizabeth Crawford,English and History in the high school
MissRose Cox, German, and Mr. Engleman, Latin.The latter also has the principalship of theentire training school.During the summer vacation the school...
Indiana State University Archives
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AL W•W :W•; ...1,..,<»/■»; V.! ’’ <™a~j Z^ZZ 6 ” *F. »£ - v£/...
Unionville High School
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JUNIOR COMMERCIAL CLUBRow One—Nancy Lou Branum, Phyllis Lentz, Ruthanne Clark. Jean Thornton, Sarah Thompson, DonnaFulford, Nancy Bourke, Martha Sansone....
Bloomington High School
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