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Description: THE DRAMATIC CLUBThe Dramatic Club was first organized in Bloomington HighSchool during the first semester of the year 1923-1924. The clubhad open membership which made the club very large so it wasdivided into several groups under the supervision of Miss Wellonsand Mrs. Childs.At the beginning of the fall semester of this year, the club wasreorganized into two divisions, a Junior Club with Miss Wellons andMiss Dearing as advisors, and a Senior Club sponsored by Mrs.Childs and Miss Orcutt. Open membership was found to be unsatisfactory so a system of tryouts was instituted. Those wrhose try-outs were successful were Jane Whelan, Hazel Bault, Thelma Taylor,Ellen Helton, Gaither Eads, Gertrude Schwab, Elizabeth Holland,Ruth Kirby, Anna Isom, Robert Huncilman, Mildred Robertson,Alice Prow, Dale Ferguson, Katherine Bryant, Ruth Kuersteiner,Sylvia Jenkins, Donald Baxter, Katharyn Hoadley, Robert Peterson,Betty Jane Showers, Maurice Radcliffe, Hugh Thompson. ReginaEgnew, Mildred Curry, Martha Coombs. Francis Regester. Velda Hazel,Martha Temples, Evelyn Wylie, Sara Ann Matthews. Margaret Williams, John Henry Stout, Vivian Mulholland, Audrey Carter, John Beck, Thelma Scully, BarbaraBarbour, Mary E. Johnson, Elsa Kuersteiner, Olive Hillerman, Alma Withers, Jean Perry, EllenBunger, Wm. Ernest Holland, Bernice Thompson, David Rothrock, Harriet Williams. MatyMargaret Campbell, Dorothy Buzzaird, Kathleen McLahlen, Beatrice Buzbee, Virginia Bowers,Virginia Nance, Lloyd Moser, Helen Brockway, Ruth Coleman, Wilma Jane Borland, DorothyBurks, Pauline Ellis, Martha Louise Gray, Joyce Myers, Wilford Miller, Ned Wood, GladysSare, Lloyd Griffin, Robert Smith, Guy Burnett, and Marjorie Giles.At a meeting on February 12th, the following officers were elected: Dale Ferguson. President; Martha Coombs, Vice-President; Vivian Mulholland,. Secretary; Ned Wood. Treasurer.The purpose of the club is to promote dramatic activity, to increase and develop appreciation in the students for better things, and to encourage such talent as they possess.To be a member of the club the applicant must be passing in three of the subjects whichhe is taking, take an active part in club work, and attend all the meetings unless a sufficientlygood excuse is given to the sponsors. There is one evening meeting a month at which any important business is taken up. After this the evening is spent in a social hour.The program which was undertaken for the year 1924-1925, included two convocationsand a Christmas pageant, The Greatest Gift, which were given during the first semester.The plans for the second semester comprised a three-act comedy, It Pays to Advertise, givenon March 1 1th, six miscellaneous convocation programs scattered through the spring, and inMay, a spectacular fantasy, drawing its cast from both divisions of the club.Page Eighty-four
Collection: Bloomington High School

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