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^Gfe^^sC THE LLAMARADA 2&Z@®l$£2fci§HISTORY OF ELLETTSVILLE SCHOOLSince the founding of the town of Ellettsville. educational facilities havenever been neglected. In the early history of the town, a public school system was organized and a building erected. The school was under the controlof a school board composed of three members, elected by the citizens of thetown. The approximate date for the beginning was the year of 1884 whenthe graduates had only two years of training in high school. This two yearplan continued until 1896 when the three year term began and lasted until1907, when the four year term took its place.In 1915, the Consolidated School System was established in Indianaand a stone structure was erected at Ellettsville. This new system did awaywith the town school and abolished many of the country schools of the township. The building being the old addition of the present building was at onetime one of the best buildings and best equipped in this section of the state.In 1915 the school was the Richland Township School, but carried the nameof Ellettsville Public School. It was during the administration of Dudley F.Burks that the re-organization took place.From 1915, to 1924, many more country schools were abolished and asteady increase of enrollment was made. During the years of 1924 and 1925,classes were held in the basement and the assembly was so filled with seatsthat there was scarcely any room for aisles. The officials of the school realized that improvements were necessary and, therefore, began to plan for anew building. Trustee O. F. Moore, with the cooperation of Principal E.H. Mangel, secured the best suitable plans and constructions to be had withthe limited amount of money available. The school year of 1925 and 26with the new building and equipment, and a force of competent teachersstarted on a new era of progress in both activities and scholarship. Since19 3 5Page four |
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Ellettsville High School |
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