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Showing 1 - 20 of 325 results
Search Results - (( fite dave e ar...
Showing 1 - 20 of 325 results
Hallie Owen, 11, Shelby Storm, 11, LivClements, 9, Kiley Bouvier, 11focus on cleaning the routine and making it harder.Then when February hits,...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
GAA’ers find plenty of exercise in playing volleyball—one of themany sports events carried on by the club during the year.GAAThe GAA...
University High School
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GIRLS GOLFAlexandra Floyd, 9, follows through on her beautiful shot during the girls golf tournament.An Unbreakable Bondstory by: Alaina Davis, A...
Bloomington High School North
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BANDSAs in preceding years, instrumental music was studied byboth a Senior and a Junior Band. Senior Band had a daily classperiod. Junior Ba...
Unionville High School
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190]•: NOEMAL ADVANCE.enrolled, while this term the membership hasreached one hundred and thirty.The Thursday afternoon meetings have beenwell ...
Indiana State University Archives
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SENIORS 1945The seventh grade began our junior high world. We were divided into twohome rooms, which offered much competition in intramurals. Eve...
University High School
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G. A. A.Row 1—Mary Douthitt, Tracy Branum, PeggyGott, Phyllis Chambers, Patty McMillan,Virginia Bratton.Row 2—Charlotte Murphy, Bonnie Flora,Carole Dus...
Bloomington High School
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lets make-Tonighf go down h Hsrtt>ry%■ISP Up■ -. _____ __I he 2012 softball season proved to be one that> Edgewood High ...
Edgewood High School
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142THE NORMAL ADVANCEg. 0L anb & W. C S.r. ar. c7. aThe Y. M. C. A. has been having some veryinteresting meetings this term an...
Mrs. J. J. Schlicher, who gave an interesting travel talk illustrated by post cardviews, Hilda Hathaway, who read Henry VanDykes story, The ...
Indiana State University Archives
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//Super, super seasonWinning in style becamethe hallmark of asuperior girls tennisseason. The lady Pantherswon all but one dual meetin 14 ou...
Bloomington High School South
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aClass HistoryIn September, 1921, eleven shy, wee girls in gingham dresses and hair ribbons and nine bashfullittle boys in white blouses and ...
Ellettsville High School
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to stateBloomington Souths girls golf team uses thissuccessful season as a learning tool to prepare forthe following season.With state champion junior...
Bloomington High School South
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Serves It UpTo reach elite eight in state tournamentThe teams final record onthe season was a strong 21-2record, with its two lossescoming a...
Bloomington High School South
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72THE NORMAL ADVANCEAfter the eats were over, the table was
cleared and a number of toasts were given.
Carl Miller acted as toastmaster&...
Indiana State University Archives
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Challenger explosion kills shuttle crew; Space shuttle explosion hits home; King speaks on progress of fathers dream; St. Louis newspaper...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
PROPHECYOne day Percy Pontin, who is a traveling salesman, decided ho would see some <f his old classmates while on someof his trips....
Unionville High School
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Owl QlaAdu d(adu CL fkaL dlhJboM^We entered school in the fall of 1934 when Mrs. Frances Brown gave us our start inschool life....
Ellettsville High School
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Vhat makes North tennis stand out as a prodram?Taylor: Whats different about North is that were a really enthusiastic team and we ...
Bloomington High School North
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Physical Education Program of the SchoolThe physical education program of the school is very extensive. It starts with the first grade andgoes...
Ellettsville High School
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McNeil, and Peter Schwandt, decoration; Jane Harrell,theme; and Albert Griffith, music.The Senior Show, held at the Winter Carnival onFebruary 11...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed