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GAA’ers find plenty of exercise in playing volleyball—one of themany sports events carried on by the club during the year.GAAThe GAA (Girls’ Athletic Association) is organized for girls whoare interested in sports. It providesopportunity for participation inmore than twelve sports.A point system is set up so thateach member receives points forregular attendance and participationin the activities. Awards are givenaccording to the number of pointsearned by each member. The firstaward, class numerals, is given for150 points. The next award, achenille U”, requires 300 points.To receive the coveted gold key,the top award, a girl has to earn 500points. Besides sports events, theGAA sponsors various parties andsocial activities each year. Two picnics atnearby state parks are scheduled each year,one in the fall and one in the spring. Othersocials include a Halloween party, a Christmas party, a bowling party, a card party,and an awards tea. One week in the springis set aside as Rush Week. During this weekthe girls who will be freshmen next yearare guests at a different event each day.Since there was such a demand for morebowling, for the first time this activitywas extended indefinitely beyond theregular five-week program. The GAAhelped install another first” this year, theBoosters’ Club for the Sectional Tourneyin February.First row: Justine Dane, Catherine Craig, Helen Topolgus, Judy Stephens, Leona Wallace, Ann Van Wagtendonk, Cygna Enterline,Phyllis Galyan, Joyce Bartlett, Margie Niles. Second row: Naomi Stephen, Jane Cook, Mary Meade Walker, Laura King, Barbara Craig,Martha Hoadley, Virginia Sarber, Ann Regester, Nancy Neal. Third row: Sue Ann Hays, Rita Baldridge, Marilyn Mills, Mary AnnMoorman, Sharon Wylie, Carol Cassidy, Joan Bartlett, Beverly Walden, Debbie Walden, Rena Lou Stump. Fourth row: GretchenKrueger, Mary Ann Burger, Sarah Burke, Jean Gilmore, Amy Salsbury, Mary Fattu, Janet Rogers, Peggy Peterson, Marina Snow.1Page forty-three |
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University High School |
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