Runners Take Sectional, Send 3 to StateAlwine, Cornwell,Kegley Lead WayWeathering numerous storms, bothCoach Goss and the clouds, the 1969BHS track te...
B-Men, Cinderellas, Pompettes, WrestlerettesDo Their Thing For BHSIT HAS been said that familiaritybreeds contempt. Perhaps thefamiliarity of the BHS stude...
Top Row—Wilfred Lewis, John Weinland, Henry Kenney, George Hudson, Richard Voliva,Frances Henson.Middle Row—Rodney Douglas, James Hettle, Alva WTampler...
16T II E F LASHATHLETIC S-ContinuedPaul B. ArbogastCoach Arbogast during his firstyear developed a team, composedlargely of inexperienced men whichmade...
EwBliiBiMHKfATHEETICSaHAROLD F. MUMBYA. L. PHILLIPSMAJOR SPORTS 1932-33Bloomington High School is very fortunate in having such men asA. L. Phillips and...
THE SPORTS REVIEWIntramurals ForBoys ResumedThrough the newly re-inaugurated intramural sports system, the boys ofBloomington High School were given theprivileg...
Baseballers Disappointed in RegionalA YEARS experience for somehighly talented underclassmen mayprove to be the deciding factor forCoach Grohs diamond men&...