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Showing 81 - 100 of 290 results

  • 152THE NORMAL ADVANCECollege Course NotesThe College Course students held their election of officers January 28, and the followingwere given honors:&#...

    Vice President, Miss Parsons

    Secretary, MissCope

    Treasurer, Mr. Row

    Historian, MissConnor. The attendance at the meeting wasnot large, nevertheless, those who were presentwere enthusiastic. Committees were appointedto look ...

    Brown, 3

    Jones, 2

    Riche, 1

    Schorling, 3

    Schoeppel, 1


    Wood, 2

    Laughlin, 1. Foul goals—Everett,8

    Brown 3

    Chadwick, 1. Referee—Kisner.Umpire—Reiter.In the curtain raiser Clinton defeated Normal. Seconds in a rough unscientific game, bythe score of 17&#...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE.73which no doubt is sometimes the case, can notthis matter be amicably settled without menacing the public comfort for months&...

    Paris, 24.The line-up was:Mangel Center GrovesPelle Forward WinnSpencer Forward. PiferHarris Guard WhittickVawter Guard WhetzelReferee—Allen Ford, Paris.Umpires&#x...

    Carl Barr, Paris.Manager Henry has arranged a schedule, but itcan not be given in full as some dates will likelybe changed.The following tea...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • X.3sr.>JSk.BASEBALL.The prospects are.good for a baseball record this year. The varsity nineis the same as last years with the exception of Lo...

    second, Sanford, R.—10 4-5 seconds.Pole Vault—First, Wann, N.

    second, McKee, R.—9 ft. 4 in.220 yd. low hurdles—First, Stevens, R.

    second Swango, N.—29 seconds.Shot-put—First, Binach, R.

    second, Koalmeyer, N.—35 ft. 4 in.High Jump—First, Risser, R.

    second, Sanford, R.—5 feet.220 yd. dash—First, Blake. N.

    second. Sanford, R.—24 2-5 seconds.Discus Throw—First, Binach, R.

    second, Yatd<o, R.—105 1-2 feet.Half-mile Run—First, Blake, N.

    second, Stevens, R.—2 min. 19 sec.Broad Jump—First, Weathers, N.

    second, Sanford, R.—19 feet.Two Mile Run—First, Stewart, R.

    second, Smith, R.—12 min. 29 sec.440 yd. dash—First, Blake, N.

    second, Bolton, R.—58 sec.Mile Run—First, Jones, N.

    second, Stoneburner, N.—5 min., 47 sec.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 74THE NORMAL ADVANCEcause of hostile feeling existing between thestudents of the tAvo schools. But it seems thatthis feeling of antagonism has di...

    the otherpoints came by the foul goal route.Normal, notwithstanding the fact that thiswas the first game of the year, put up a splendid ...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE183frowsy-headed athlete graduates from the institution, has been lining up old men andscouting for new material. He reports thatCap...

    Wood, 2


    Schoeppel, 5

    Tolford, 2

    Hoxworth, 3

    Hawks, 2. Foul goals—Everett, 7

    Hawks, 2

    ,Referee—Kisner. Tolford and Welch disqualified.Earlham won the last game of the seasonafter Normal had secured a lead at the close ofthe ...

    Hotchkiss, 5


    Swain, 2

    Hancock, 1

    White, 1. Foul goals—Everett, 5

    Cornell, 5. Referee—Bodd. Umpire—Curry.Normal (19). Position. Clinton (17).Parsons forward NourseSwannigan forward PorterCharman center StoneGillum...

    Porter, 1

    Stone, 1

    Wright, 1

    Parsons, 1

    Charman, 4

    Fitzpatrick, 1. Foul goals-—Nourse, 3

    Parsons, 1

    Swannigan, 2

    . Charman, 2.Referee—Bodd.Ambition has but one reward for all:A little power, a little transient fame,.A grave to rest in, and a fadi...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE151About the best game which the Teachers
played on the home floor was the one with
Earlham which resulted in a 2...

    Merom College, 12

    home.Normal, 48

    Danville Normal, 19

    home.Normal 47

    Normal Alumni, 18

    home.Normal, 37

    Vincennes Y. M. C. A., 32

    away.Normal, 17

    Earlham Illinois Normal, 29

away.Normal, 23

    Purdue University, 42

    away.Normal, 26

    Normal (111.) Normal, 31

    home.Normal, 25

    Franklin College, 12

    home.Normal, 24

    Earlham College, 21

    home.Normal, 25

    Franklin College, 22

    away.Normal, 26

    Arkansas Aggies, 31

    home.Normal, 32

    Hanover College, 20

    away.Normal, 33

    Hanover College, 20

    away.Normal, 49

    Moores Hill College, 28

    away.Normal, 63

    Eastern Illinois Normal, 8

home.Normal, 59

    Moores Hill College, 26

    home.These results give Normal a total of 559
points to 351 for the opponents.All attention is now being centered upon
baseball, and fro...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE693. Luther Hughey, State Normal.4. Ralph Stuart, Rose Poly.5. Herbert Ransford, Rose Poly.
0. F. Guinn, State Normal.7. Richard&#...

    Rose Poly twTo

High School, one

    Sheridan school, one.The height of the joy of Normal was reached
when at chapel on Wednesday morning, No¬
vember 2(>, Chairman C...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 194THE NORMAL ADVANCE.iftitfeiii&*After the disbanding of the track team, all athletic interest was centered on base ball. Althoughthe Normal had&...


    M. T. 11. s., 8.May 16 we defeated the Manual TrainingHigh School of Indianapolis, by a score of fO to8. Our team was weakened by&...

    The first game on Parsons Field was playedThis season the tables were turned between theNormal and. the Polytechnic and our team wastwice de...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • An Indiana State University football press guide distributed as a book before the start of the season featuring information reguarding the teams&...

    Indiana State University Archives

  • 28THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Athletics.Although we were handicapped on account theinexperience of our players, we have developed ateam which is now able to&#x...

    Illinois Normal, 0.BASKET BALL.Plans are being made for a busy Basket Ballseason, and immediately after Thanksgiving daythe class basket ball games&#x...

    meanwhile the different class teams will be getting into shape.Mr. Alfred Henry and Miss Forest Cunningham, managers of the regular school teams,...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE369Steady practice put organization into the disheartened nine, however, and with encouragement, Friedman blossomed into a steadypitcher, ...

    E. I. S. N., 1.Early in the baseball season Eastern IllinoisNormal defeated the heterogeneous Normalnine, 17 to 1. I. S. N. reversed the...

    by Tarbel, 8. Hit bv pitchedball—Tarbel. Wild pitch—Tarbel. Time—1:20. Umpire—Bassert./. S. N., 3

    Rose Poly, 0.La Hue, first baseman for I. S. N., broke upthe pitchers battle between the Rose Polytechnic and State Normal teams, played...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE49present. The presidents of several southern colleges and universities also took part in thecelebration.. The total membership of t...

    Rinkard, 2

    Green, Knox, 3

    A. Bowles. Foul Goals—F.Bowles, 2

    Rinkard, 2

    A. Bowles, 8. Referee—Conner.JUNIORS, 11. SENIORS, 13.Cain center EverettRay forward SchoeppelJames forward Phillip, FoxWood guard SchorlingWebb guard Brumfie...

    Cain, Everett,Schoeppel, 2. Foul Goals—-Wood, 2

    Ray,Everett, 7. Referee—Conner.The next set of games, played November 12,proved to be pippins. The contests were evenand exciting. Rooting from ...

    Cain, Ray,3

    Wood. Foul Goals—Bird, 2

    Rinkard, 2

    Ray. Referee—Conner.SENIORS, 13. SOPHOMORES, 12.Everett center HarrisSchoeppel forward KnoxSchorling forward LaughlinBrumfiel guard .A. BowlesCohee guard GreenField...

    Schoeppel, Schorling. Foul Goals—A. Bowles,8

    Cohee. Referee—Conner.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 10THE NOEMAL play. The High School, by line bucks andan end run, made another touchdown.Normal kicked off to High School and...

    Normal, 5. .The line-up:T, H. H. S. I. S. N.Stuart Center CollinsMarkle Eight guard GriffithApple : . . . Left guard WarnerEider ,...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Recreationa nationalhappeningEntertainment played animportant role in the 1975-76school year. Watching television;listening to music; attending concerts, plays, ...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • Al-Rubai, Abdul Razzaq (author)Yousif, Salaam (translator)Hillman, Brenda (translator)Case, Katherine (printer)Stenzel, Annie (printer)...

    Letterpress with linoleum cut. Edition of 30. This collection supports and promotes awareness to the important mission and framework of the Al-Mu...

    I had the privilege of being part of a letterpress group that printed one of these broadsides for the benefit. Led by poet-printers Kat...

    Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE.159M^r u Wi a 1101 4 *Normal, 10

    Indiana Law, 8.Umbrellas, mud and unavoidable errors werethe chief features of the Normal-Indiana LawSchool game played at the Athletic park, April25t...

    Cavenaugh, 2.Struck out—Queisser, 0

    Cavenaugh, 2.Umpire—Fergu son.In the preliminary track meet the Sophomoresand Freshmen contested for honors. No exceptional records were made, but t...

    Sophomores, 99

    Freshmen, 18.Two bi-eollegiate meets have been held.In the meet with Wabash, April 25, we weredefeated by a score of 18 to 98. Each pla...

    highjump, 5 ft,, 5 in.

    broad jump, 10 ft., 2 in.

    running broad, 21 ft., 8 in. Robertson, I. S. N., easily won first in the discus hurl, and Byers, I. S. N.,was a close second ...

    while Kitch of the Normal was arecord-breaking second. Turk won the 100 yarddash at 10 2-5 seconds

    the standing broad jujmpat 10 feet

    the high jump at 5 ft,, 2y2 in

    therunning broad jump, 22 ft,, 1 in

    the discus hurlat 103 ft,, 5y2 in.

    and the 220 yard dash in22 4-5 seconds.Byers, I. S. N., won first in the shot put at 33ft., 1 in., while Sterritt of the Norm...

    R. P. I., 87.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 82THE NORMAL ADVANCEJUNIORS.Although the number of Juniors in schoolis small when compared Avith the numbers ofthe other classes, they are very m...

    and Avithoutthe services of Captain Mark, the star center,the scalp of the husky babes Avas taken andhangs airing before the lodge of the&#x...

    Mr. J. Clayton,Miss Marjorie Botts and Miss Ruth Miller asyell composers

    Miss Stephens, Miss Botts andMr. Burnett as members of the entertainmentcommittee

    Miss Inez Graves, Miss Irene Applegate and Mr. Schopmeyer as members of thedecorating committee.A motion was made and carried to haA^e aclas...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCE21ATHLETICSFootball having been banished from athleticsat the State Normal for the present year, allefforts are centered upon developing&...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • digital print from mixed media on wood. Artists proof.

    “I have been creating paintings and sculptures for over five decades, and here I am combining the artistry of poetry with the visual&...

    Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection