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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE693. Luther Hughey, State Normal.4. Ralph Stuart, Rose Poly.5. Herbert Ransford, Rose Poly.
0. F. Guinn, State Normal.7. Richard Voelker, Garfield High School.8. W. O. Shriner, State Normal.
.). Irvin Sparks, Sheridan School.The summary is as follows: Indiana State
Normal, five places
Rose Poly twTo
High School, one
Sheridan school, one.The height of the joy of Normal was reached
when at chapel on Wednesday morning, No¬
vember 2(>, Chairman Crane, of the Terre
Haute Booster Club, presented the cups and
ribbons to the Normal men. Cheer after cheer
was given for the victorious men, Chairman
Crane, and the Boosters. Each of the five win¬
ners was called upon for a speech and each re¬
sponded in a way that brought applause from
the audience.The credit for the victory must be given to
Manager Hyndman who worked hard and
consistently in drilling the men and in arousing
interest in the event. The scene will now shift
to the view of next year when it is hoped that
Normal will not only win five, but also five
more places.Dining this time the basketball squad has
been working hard in preparation for a difficult
winter schedule. Coach Westphal is well pleas¬
ed with the showing of the men and indications
seem to point to a stronger team than that of
last year. The N men have shown a marked
gain in speed. Heinie Knauth is weU de¬
serving his name of the Flying Dutchman
and in action with Curtis they make a pair of
forwards that the word fast is entirely to slow
to apply to them. Clark is playing the same
heady consistent ball that has marked him
since his advent in athletics. Schafer is well
filling the center position, and since for some
reason Stiffler, the weighty center of last year,
has quit the squad, he will in all probability be
the pivot man for the Indiana State Normal
five for this season. Among the others that de¬serve special mention are Wann, Zinck, Royse,
Groves, Williamson, Swanagen, Schench and
several of the late arrivals.The first of the interclass games was played
on Monday, November 24, the College Course
and the Senior teams winning easily over the
Juniors and Sophomores, respectively. The
work of Schench, the former Lebanon High
School star, brought cheers from the crowd.
The plucky little forward, though playing
against men of nearly twice his size, was the real
stiff point the Seniors found in overcoming the
Sophomores. The results show that the real
battle will be between the College Course and
the Seniors. The varsity schedule as arranged at this time:Dec. 5—Merom, at Terre Haute.Dec. 12—Central Normal College, at TerreHaute.
Dec. 13—Alumni, at Normal Gym. This is to
be the first attempt at arranging an alumni
game at the Indiana State Normal School. All
men who have won their N are eligible to play
against the varsity. Prof. Schockel, who is
managing the alumni forces, has gathered a
band of former stars together that will make
the varsity have the time of their lives if they
defeat them. Prof. Schockel is very anxious
that the event be made an annual one and the
date fixed as a reunion day for all old members
of the school.Jan. (>—E. I. S. N., at Charleston.Jan 9—Butler, at Terre Haute.Jan 16—Open.Jan. 24—Franklin, at Terre Haute.Jan. 30—Open.Feb. 4—E. I. S. N., at Terre Haute,Feb. 7—Butler, at Indianapolis.Feb. 11—Franklin, at Franklin.Feb. 14—Open.Feb. li)—Earlham, at Earlham.Feb. 20—Hanover, at Hanover.Feb. 21—Moores Hlil, at Moores Hill.Feb. 28—Moores Hill, at Terre Haute.The interest of the student body in athletics
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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