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Description: 74THE NORMAL ADVANCEcause of hostile feeling existing between thestudents of the tAvo schools. But it seems thatthis feeling of antagonism has disappeared andwe hope that it is gone forevTer. Credit mustbe given to Rose for taking the initiative inthis action, but the enthusiasm shown byNormalites when the proposition was put tothem, shows that we are not lacking in theleast in sportsmanship. The move also has theapproval of some of the faculty as was evidenced by the talks of Professors Westphal,Breitweiser and Sandison at the mass meeting.The resumption of athletic relations will be ofadvantage to both schools, and, particularly, ina financial way. This also assures tAvo morestrong games to the already hard schedule. I.U. has asked for a date, but the terms offeredby the management of the I. U. team Avere suchthat we could not afford to make the trip without financial loss.The schedule as arranged by Manager Kochis as follows:Dec. 4—Merom at Terre Haute.Dec. 11—Central Normal at Terre Haute.Dec. 17—Middletown Independents at TerreHaute.Dec. 18—I. S. N. S. Alumni at Terre Haute.Jan. 15—Earlham at Terre Haute.Jan. 29—Franklin at Terre Haute.Feb. 12—Earlham at Richmond.Feb. 20—Butler at Indianapolis.Feb. 26—Franklin at Franklin.March 5—Butler at Terre Haute.Two games will be played with Wabash butthe dates have not been determined.Two of the games on the schedule have already been played and in each case I. S. N.was victorious by a safe score.The Indiana State Normal basket-ball teamsucceeded in defeating the Merom Collegeteam Dec. 4, in the first game of the season 57to 7. The Merom players were considerablylighter than the Normal men, and although theyplayed with determination they Avere not ableto overcome the weight and fast passing of theNormal five. The downstate team registeredonly one field goal during the game
the otherpoints came by the foul goal route.Normal, notwithstanding the fact that thiswas the first game of the year, put up a splendid article of ball. The boys Avere a little slowin getting their stride, especially as several newplayers were in the lineup during the first period, but when the nervousness had worn offthe goals began to come fast.Near the end of the first period Leech wassent in to replace Swanigan at forward. Shrinerproved to be the big point getter during theearly part of the fracas, registering six fieldgoals and one foul marker. Knauth waded inwith two and Leech and Swanigan droppedone each through the netting. French madethe lone field goal for the visitors duringthis period, and H. Mahan added three morepoints to his teams score by foul goals. Thescore stood 21 to 5 when time was called.At the beginning of the second half CoachWestphal sent in his regulars. Knauth andSchenck played the forward positions, Royerand Wann went to guard, and Stiffler took hisaccustomed place at center. During this halfpretty passwork was in evidence, Avith the result that 36 more points were added to theNormal score. Stiffler played a stellar gameat the pivot position, and registered 10 fieldgoals. Knauth added three more, and Royerand Schenck made one each. The Merom teammade only tAvo points during this half, andthese were by. foul goals. For the visitors H.Mahan and French put up the best game, whilefor the Normal squad .Shriner and Stifflershowed above the others.Merom College (7) I. S. N. S. (57)French F.... Swanigan, Leech,KnauthHunt F Shriner, SchenckGettinger, Capt C Knauth, StifflerH. Mahan, St. Clair .. .G RoyerG. Mahan .G.. .Lockwood, Capt.WannField goals—French, Stiffler (10), Shriner(6), Knauth (5), Wann (3), Leech, Swanigan,
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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