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WESTMORLANCORDELLNext week end the Alice crew came to the Sahara City to scalp the Panthersand returned with the scalps, to the tune of ...
Bloomington High School
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the parts of living and of growing up.Each class has its favorite set of popular expressions which reflect thoughts, hopes,dreams of the fut...
University High School
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VARSITY CHEERLEADERS . . . Front row:Jo Alice Whitehead, Lorna Chitwood, Linda Wilbur. Back row: Millie Yost, Sue Wall,Jerry Lou Blackburn.I...
Bloomington High School
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Mr. Joseph Cull kisses a smiling Susie McNamara and presents the new Prom Queen with a bouquet. King Chris Shelton cant helpbut smile, ...
Bloomington High School
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Band and OrchestraAnd the band goes marching on—drums beating, hornsblaring, the Elegant Eighty resplendent in their new grey andrOyal blue uni...
Bloomington High School
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LLAMARADASENIOR CLASS HISTORYWe entered school in the fall of 1926. Mrs. Frances Brown wasour first teacher. She is still giving the children...
Ellettsville High School
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tLIJentThe Student Council is the link between the students and the faculty. It isa governing body of students elected from each home room...
University High School
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THE BANDFirst Row: Ruby Lee, Robert Mav, Lois Anne Long,Helen Martin, Nancy Uland, Colleen Allen, CarolynAdams.Second Row: Virginia Wood, Barbara...
Bloomington High School
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THE 1927-28 BASKETBALL SEASONBasketball was started early this year in preparation for the hard scheduleon hand. Branam, Sears and Duncan were th...
Bloomington High School
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Basketball AccountAfter having two losing seasons, the B.H.S.basketballers came on strong at the last of theseason to end up with a 11-10 re...
Bloomington High School
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n:■,,\TOP PICTUREBill Tandy; Mr. Stradling, Faculty Manager; Mr.Ward Baker, Assistant Coach; Mr. Harold Mumby,Football Coach; Mr. Gle...
Bloomington High School
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innilVi i MiMii mi,.— I■MM-anaaBottom row, left to right: Karlene Scheibner, Evelyn Salee, Janet Wyatt, Mary Jane Gilpatrick, Karen Hami...
Bloomington High School
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GIRL USHERSRow 1—Pat McMillan, Miriam Breneman, Martha Wray, Cytha Harrell,Alice Rogers, Shirley Hankins, DonnaBruner, June Graves.Row 2—Jayma Van ...
Bloomington High School
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AVIATION CLUBRow 1—Lois Headley, JeanStevens, Marybelle Ferguson, Mr. Avery, TomPolley.Row 2—Sue Weaver, MaryBrowning, Alice Lehman.Joyce Mood, Hazel F...
Bloomington High School
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IfFirst Row: Stanley Wood, Gene Wells, Phil Hosier, Don Kellogg, David. Stoner, Ruth Alice Freeman, Jack Moore, Marguerite Thompson, Loisanne Noe...
University High School
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G. A. A.Yell Leaders ClubThe girls have it—after school athletics.Basketball, speedball, baseball, and many variedsports are offered by the G.A.A....
Bloomington High School
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C BANDRow One—Mary Alice Reedy, Caroline Kelly, Pamela Ann Watson, Elaine Hazel, Jenette Kinney, Phillip Ray Deckard, Tommy Hines,Sandra Hays, ...
Bloomington High School
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and handed out a lopsided 61-39 defeat. We thentangled with the Linton Miners who grabbed a53-32 victory. The Panthers continued their trekaway...
Bloomington High School
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FUTURE FARMERSOrganized solely for students interested in the agrarian arts, the FutureFarmers of America organization has become more and more import...
Bloomington High School
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THE PATH ACROSS THE HILLPresented by Seniors April 7, 1933Directed by C. E. SmithCharactersSAMUEL CRAWFORD—Grandpa Dan SmithROBERT POST—Visitor Ra...
Ellettsville High School
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