AferftonNational Honor Society was founded in 1921by the National Association of SchoolPrincipals. The EHS chapter was founded in1990. Students are in...
Future Farmers Distributive Education ClubHard-working is a term often applied tomembers of Future Farmers of America. TheseSons-of-the-soil are learning h...
Senior Jeremy Stewart shows hisproject, Scrambler, to onlookers.(Photo by Joe Bercovici)scientific sensationsScience Olympiad gives high-caliber performance at&...
a play ,on wordsFor three theaterassignment blossomedparticipationThe Bloomington PlaywrightsProject held the 26th Annual MiniPlay Competition in 2010.Students submi...
Madrigals rate superiorSounds of South, 1990Melinda Martin sings a tribute toFrosty the Snowman.A Grand Championship atone of this nations mostprestigious&...
Pompettes show support for SouthThe 30-member Pompette corpswas sponsored by Mrs. Bea Johnson,assisted by BHS graduate Debbie Gallo. The group elected...
Bands Have Successful YearThe Bloomington Northband, as usual, had a veryactive season during the1988-89 school year. Each ofthe programs received sev...
r^atVFfWveWhat are theSenior stats?365 seniors, information fromguidance officePercentage of studentsplanning to attend a four-yearcollege 0/ /OPercentage&...
le,s,tarslastDOt-nce116:eding£Have a Merry Christmas! sings M.W. during the Christmas convocation.The Warehousers give big smiles as they close their&...
Happy thoughts run through TimuGalliens mind before band practice.Pulling togetherThe pavement sizzles,waves of heat cascadingover the motionless bodies.The mem...