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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2006, Page 27

Description: Enpyessorize^^^^» ^^^Hi^i ^mmw *mwmw mmjmw ^mtr ^pYourself!By Megan CampbellEveryone wants their own niche or hook that defines them.South is a place where different expressories show themselves. Thisyear was full of defining accessories, from clothes, pins, hair, lockerornaments, or even crazy gloves.Expressories gave students a chance to break out of the moldthat so many teenagers conform to. Instead of wearing Abercrombie& Fitch, Hollister, or American Eagle, students expressories showedindividuality and creative pieces they often made themselves.Its awesome to wear something and know you made it, saidsenior Hallie Sloan, who plans on being a fashion designer one day.Sloan was one of many students who designed their own clothes.Sophomore Rene Lloyd made several of her own shirts withcaptions like Queen Dionysia Wants You. Lloyd said, Its just away to be free and different than the norm. Lloyd is also one ofmany students who wore gloves in school, except hers were a crazyrainbow pattern.Students also wore apparel showing their favorite band ormusic group. [It] makes me feel like Im representing my favoriteband, sophomore Carson Day said about the band Xiu Xiu. Dayenjoys wearing a t-shirt displaying the band and listens to theirmusic regularly.Different and unique ways to express themselves, this yearexpressories became a staple in students fashion.(Left) Senior El via Pyburn-Wilk and Senior LaraHamburger demontsratetheir unique fashionsense while looking atprops found in a teacherscloset. As it grew coldoutside, female studentswore tank tops with long-sleeved shirts underneathand leggings under shortskirts to accomodate bothfashion and comfort.(Above, from left to right)Sophomore Erica Eads holdsher petite Vera Bradleypurse, junior Kim Carterdisplays her hot pink Cembroidered Coach purse,senior Amy Adams sports aflirty light pink Burberry bag, andsenior Hattie Edgeworth displaysnumerous Louis Vuitton purses.Dress Code. # #. Rules. .....*Starting this year, students were notallowed to display the Confederateflag on clothes or accessories.uckjmTops had to be long enough to tuinto pants.No clothing, jewelry, or footweardestructive to school property couldbe worn.Hats, headbands, head-coverings,sunglasses, and spaghetti straps wereconsidered distracting and could notbe worn.For a first offense violation ofthe dress code, a warningwas given. Refusal to comply with removal of theoffensive object resulted inin-school suspension.Source: Bloomington South Student HandbookExpressories fwenmjeven
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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