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Search Results - (( a three time o...
Showing 1 - 20 of 1,187 results
Free Time - Used to Our AdvantageBooks to read, tests to take, papers to write, lectures tolisten to . .. six hours, the greater p...
University High School
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THE Bloomington High School Athletic Department furnished one of the most complete athletic programs eATergiven by a high school to its students&...
Bloomington High School
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the parts of this joint play in andout about a foot. A glass, when suddenlyheated, breaks on account of unequal expansion
or if suddenly cooled breaks on accountof unequal contraction. Clocks and watcheslose time in summer, on account of lengthenedpendulum, or of inc...
then the side of the new square =l+a,and it area =(l+a)2=l+2a+a2. The a2 beinginsensible is dropped and leaves the&...
Indiana State University Archives
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Three Dances Fill Students CalendarSomewhere, the 1966 All-School Dance, sponsored by the Student Council, was held in the SarkesTarzian cafeteria on&...
Bloomington High School
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During the latter half of the term, my class was very busymaking preparations for commencement. When school wasout, I gave myself a much...
Unionville High School
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106THE NORMAL ADVANCEMussels are slow moving creatures and theymust wait for their food to come to them ratherthan seek it. Their food consi...
Indiana State University Archives
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Members of the third year Spanish class act out a scene from the three-act play, La Encanta Dormida, a modern version of SleepingBeauty.Firs...
Bloomington High School
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How to “Make the Grade”1. If the teacher asks a question, be sure to hold up your hand, cause if youdon’t she’ll ...
Unionville High School
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Members of the New Palestine German Cornet Band pose with their horns and drums in front of a house in this ca. 1898-1905 image. O...
Indiana Album
ATHLETICSSMITHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS 1938-’39When the one great scorer comes to write against yourname, he writes not that you lost or...
Smithville High School
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE 269To Our AlumniThe editor of the Advance asks me to write for the June number a word of greeting to the return...
the relations of teachers and pupils are not the formal relations of the commercialworld
teaching involves a contact of heart and spirit, and it begets a sympathetic interest whichdoes not end with the school room. The teachers...
Indiana State University Archives
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE119What then should the Y. M. C. A. as an organization, have to do with this problem?Every man that has lived ha...
Indiana State University Archives
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6THE INFORMERThe Latest Sporting NewsYesterdays Base Ball ResultsCENTRAL. LEAGUEBloomington, 15; Terre Haute, 11.Evansville, 1; Wheeling, 0.Fort Wayne, 8...
Bloomington High School
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—Photo by LibbyKatzCompleting theLearning ExperienceThree groups of people helped the administration runthe school this year. Those three groups include&...
Bloomington High School South
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Cagers Endure UpThe 1967-68 varsity basketball season provedto be one of both success and failure for Bloomingtons Panthers. The Panthers opened ...
Bloomington High School
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248THE NORMAL ADVANCEture that the smaller the chance of reachingmaturity the greater is the number of youngproduced. We see this same fact ...
the color is grayish with small dark-coloredspots. The little toads are very sensitive toheat and secrete themselves under stones, leavesand rubbish...
but let a showercome up and they appear in great numbers.Their sudden appearance after a shower hasgiven rise to the widely credited belief&...
but conclusive evidence ofsuch stories has never been produced.The toad has a well developed sense of locality, and uses the same place of...
but there is not positive proofthat it was the same toad.The toad may be considered as a nocturnalanimal, although it is frequently seen...
only living and movingthings are devoured. The toads tongue is attached in front and free behind, and is coatedwith a sticky secretion so...
when the supply isplentiful it spends the time alternately feedingand resting. In one night it consumes foodequal to four times the capacity ...
Indiana State University Archives
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On three exciting nights, three girls anda young man became the 1968 Royalty ofBloomington High School.Prom King and Queen, Jerry Black and ...
Bloomington High School
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Proscenium PlayersAll cast on stage in five minutes! Every member of Proscenium Playershas, at one time, heard these very familiar words. Th...
Bloomington High School
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THE 1COACH MARK WAKEFIELDTHE REVIEW OF THE SEASON<—>It was with a none too cheerful outlook that Coach Wakefield entered uponthe second...
Bloomington High School
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36LLAMARADAONE DELIRIOUS NIGHTThe Senior Class of 1938 presented a farce comedy in three acts,Friday, March 25. The title, One Delirious Night, w...
Ellettsville High School
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