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During the latter half of the term, my class was very busymaking preparations for commencement. When school wasout, I gave myself a much needed vacation.It was during this interim that I joined the Union andstarted to learn the carpenter’s trade. A few weeks’ workconvinced me that the only requirements for this work are astrong back and a weak mind. I possess all of these qualities except the strong back.Last fall when school started, my fond parents arrived atthe conclusion that I should attend the Indiana Academy atCicero. I acquiesced and for four months was drilled in theways of the godly.During this period of my education, I learned the gentleart of “bumming.” Not having the “wherewithal” to procure car fare at all times, I discovered that by walking alongthe road I would be picked up by a passing motorist. Invariably, these encounters resulted in my procuring a fund ofgeneral information.At the expiration of four months’ time, however, my longing for the pleasures of Sodom became stronger and stronger;finally I returned home.Then I decided to inflict myself upon the school at Unionville for the remainder of the year. During the past nineweeks I have been improving my education by wrestling withparticiples and gerunds, by reading “Hamlet”, and by writing themes . And now as the time for graduation approaches,I face the future with fear and trembling. Won’t you wishme well, kind reader, as I cast myself upon the mercies of acruel and heartless world?Calendar of the Year(By Arlie Sluss)Monday, Sept. 12—Cheer up, schoolmates, only eight monthsand school’ll be out.Tuesday, Sept. 13—Juniors and seniors busy conducting lostfreshmen to class rooms.Wednesday, Sept. 14—Still conducting.Monday, Sept. 26—Basket Ball practice begins.Thursday, Oct. 22—Out for a good time. Two days’ vacation.Teachers’ Association at Indianapolis.Friday, Nov. 7—Our team loses to Williams, 24-22.Wednesday, Nov. 19—We are presented with a copy of TheNew Orient.Monday, Dec. 12—Boosters’ Club organized.Friday, Dec. 17—Our team loses to Ellettsville.Friday, Dec. 24—School closed for vacation.Monday, Jan. 3—More vacation. School quarantined with thescarlet fever.Monday, Jan. 10—Roger Mundy forsakes the ways of the godly to dwell in Sodom once more.Tuesday, Jan. 18—Blizzards from the North Pole. MissSpeer’s radiator freezes up for the seventh time.Friday, Feb. 18—Our boys lose to Stinesville, 25-24.Monday, Feb. 21—Miss Shazer gets a boyish bob.Wednesday, Feb. 23—Mr. Martin loses one of the three hairson his head.Wednesday, March 23—Frank McCoy chokes on peanuts inbotany class. |
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Unionville High School |
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