THE WRESTLING SQUADTHE 1926-27 WRESTLING SEASONUnder the efficient training of Coach Harold Mumby, Bloomington wasagain represented by one of the stro...
Students Learn Science Through Doingxploring ScienceStory By Kelly KishFor Bloomington High School South freshman, JosephHong, science is more than just...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE105should greet the actors each night. To thosewho have seen the opening scenes, there is nouse for urging attendance. Those...
Earlham, 21.For the Earlham aggregation Winslow andLogan were the stars, especially the latter, whoplayed the floor in wonderful style. Schenck,Knauth ...
B1. Juniors Anna Weinberg, Daniela Vidaurri-Rodriguez, and Janani Krishnanhelp student council shop for Christmas Angel Tree at Walmart. Proceedscollected ...
BOYS SWIMMINGRULE THE POOLAlan Bisesi.Rising out of the water,sophomore Alan Bisesi raceshis teammates duringpractice. Dave is a greatcoach. It always ...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE.197The second game was probably the best playedgame of the season. Both teams played in goodform and at no< time durin...
Normal f, Wabash 9.Cavanaugh, Spindler, Cummings, and McFer-rin deserve especial mention for their work thisseason.MY COLLEGE BOY.He is handsome as Ap...
An expert man at football,You can see that by his hair.He can swim and shoot and fence, too,Also jump and dance and run
Is a favorite with the co-eds.,And is in for all the fun.He can play on any instrument,His singing is divine,And when it comes to ...
But he cannot learn his lessons,To save his precious soul.—Exchange.Mrs. Perkins—Did you see any of them horseless kerages up in the...