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«ivl I O11 \T ¥ V 3A San Francisco sewer linebursts under pressurefrom battering rainstorms,creating a monster sinkholethat swallows a $2-millionhouse in the Sea Cliff district.One-hundred-mile-per-hourwinds knock out power totens of thousands of homesand nearly blow a truck off theBay Bridge.Three days of drenching rains in the PacificNorthwest swell rivers to overflowing, causing severe flooding in Washington in December.In the town of Carnation, a pastor conveys awoman to dry land with a wheelbarrow.frican-American men fromUcross the country convergeon Washington, D.C., for theMillion Man March on October16. The march, led by Nation-of-Islam minister Louis Farrakhan,promotes African-Americanunity, dignity, and family values.The federal government repealsthe national 55-mile-per-hourhighway speed limit, enacted in1974 during the oil embargo.The legislation allows states to settheir own limits. On Montanahighways, speed limits areeliminated completely.Air Force Captain ScottOGrady (right) is rescuedfrom pursuing Bosnian Serbforces by U.S. Marines onJune 8, six days after his planeis shot down over Bosnia.OGrady survived on insects,plants, and rainwater.U.S. Senator Bob Packwood ofOregon resigns on September 7,the day after the Senate EthicsCommittee voted unanimously toexpel him for sexual misconduct,embarrassingly detailed in hisdiaries, which were made public.The nation comes to a standstillon October 3 as more than 150million people watch live TVcoverage of the outcome of thenine-month-long trial of thecentury. After less than fourhours of deliberation, the juryfinds former football star O.J.Simpson not guilty of themurders of his ex-wife Nicoleand her friend Ronald Goldman.Illinois suffers a record heatwave in July, with temperaturesas high as 104°. The heat takesthe lives of 457 peoplestatewide. At Wrigley Stadium,Jaime Navarro helps faithfulChicago Cubs fans stay cool.After a year of fame as aconservative revolutionary,Speaker of the House NewtGingrich slumps in popularity,tainted by the governmentshutdown, his stalled ContractWith America, and investigationsinto his political action committee and his financial affairs.Two-thousand volunteerfirefighters battle a ragingwildfire in eastern Long Island,New York, for three days inAugust. The fire, following a21-day drought, consumes5,500 acres of pine barrens anddamages a dozen homes. Thereare no injuries or fatalities. |
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Edgewood High School |
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