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Showing 21 - 40 of 860 results
Search Results - (( vires steven m...
Showing 21 - 40 of 860 results
G.A.R. Memorial Hall drawing by Juliet A. Peddle, local architect and artist.
Terre Hautes Classic Example of Early Architecture, The Memorial Hall on Ohio street, One of the First Banks. Drawing by Juliet A. Peddle,...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
THE NORMAL ADVANCE75Some explanation of the wTave theory maynot be out of place at this point. The mediumof light is, as you know, the&...
andby their magnetic strain or twist they give riseto waves or vibrations that spread in ever-increasing spheres around their source.When it was&...
Indiana State University Archives
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EmSmb■Sww:.:«TOW ‘www~!<OB< *!*SIHffibW » *&>■Wk WO, r.ZS-BASEB ALLLeft to Right: BACK ROW: Hers...
Unionville High School
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niaa MiaM iiii>iiiliiiiilii\^->The Male Quartet, a new group organized this year atB.H.S., performed at special programs. The purpose of th...
Bloomington High School
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Row I (left to right) :Nathan Abbott, HaroldAynes, Margaret Badger,Lois Beldon, Billy Bruce,Richard Buskirk, Pamela Cagle, Bill Cleveland,Jack Co...
University High School
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THIRD: We leave the the Freshnfen our ability to say theright thing at the wrong time.Inez Todd wills her short yell skirt to Miss...
Smithville High School
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—^^^^^^■■■■^■■■■■■■■i■VI Vr7BANDLeft to right:Row 1—Sara Borland, Sue ...
Bloomington High School
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THE F FN FSHED PRODUCTTwo Gentlemen and VeronaThe house lights were dimmed, ahush fell over the audience, the curtainopened, and another Prosceni...
Bloomington High School
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J €T E S^Vernice—Mary says shewith Venus de Milo.Not a—I suppose sheweight.comparesmeans inDortha—Mr. James was interestedin the lay...
Bloomington High School
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LLAMARADASenior Class HistoryWe entered school in the fall of 1928; Mrs. Frances Brown was our firstteacher. She is still giving the childre...
Ellettsville High School
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1921GOTHICB. H. S.Top--Mr. McCaughan, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Bradt, Paul Griffith, Lane Wells, Harlan Logan, Ralph McClintock, E. Arlo Byrum.Bottom--Francis Gerh...
Bloomington High School
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Tourney TenBUD STEWART, Senior: Lots of scoring punchwith speed to burn. An important cog in all thevictories.JIM BARR, Senior: A speedy...
Bloomington High School
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*Senior HistoryIn 1950 the Class of 62 first entered Ellettsville School. They were so small and the school solarge that they were shy&...
Ellettsville High School
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PROPHECYOne day Percy Pontin, who is a traveling salesman, decided ho would see some <f his old classmates while on someof his trips....
Unionville High School
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In 1863 Prof. D. Eckley Hunter became the first superintendent of thegraded school and high school system which he had succeeded in pursuadi...
Bloomington High School
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A Band. Row one: Karel Brown, Gene Dezarn, Charles Hadley, Sharon Jacobs, Sandy Martin, Brenda Rumple, Richard Sturgis, SarahSmith, Deloris Funkh...
Bloomington High School
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Left to Right: Gerald May, Sue Hughes, Jay OMullane, Ellen Baugh, Ross Davis, Barbara BakerYell LeadersAlways seen in front of the crowds,...
Bloomington High School
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IW* SRow 1—Tommy Ramon, TrumanMcNeely, Jerry Drake, Dale Bruce.Charles Dyer, Eddie Hagan, PhillipPate, Bob Dodd, Donald Branam.Row 2 — D...
Bloomington High School
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254THE NORMAL ADVANCETRACK.Rain spoiled the interclass track meet scheduled for Saturday, May 1. Twenty minutes ofsudden downpour made a lake of ...
Indiana State University Archives
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FRESHMENRow 1—Danny Bailiff, RobertWampler, Charles Williams, JackSparks, Jack Masters, Bruce Guy.Row 2—Byran Branam, Buddy Duffield, Bill Breneman, Bo...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed