Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1944, Page 19

Description: EmSmb■Sww:.:«TOW ‘www~!<OB< *!*SIHffibW » *&>■Wk WO, r.ZS-BASEB ALLLeft to Right: BACK ROW: Herschel McClung, George Brock. SECOND ROW:Coach Floyd Christie, Philip Wampler, Junior Galyan, Dale Young, Joe Hash,Principal H. C. Weathers. FIRST ROW: Thomas Hardy, Russell Baugh, Keith West,James Skirvin, Ralph Wampler, Elmo Young.SEPTEMBER 15. The Unionville Arrows opened their first baseball game ofthe season by defeating the Stinesville Quarry Lads by a score of 26 to 5.SEPTEMBER 19. The Arrows were host to the Smithville Skibos. We weredefeated by the score of 16 to 11.SEPTEMBER 24. The Arrows went to Smithville to play on their court. TheArrows weie too mighty for the Skibos and defeated them with a scoreof 9 to 4.SEPTEMBER 29. The Ellettsville Eagles invaded the Arrow baseball diamondfor another home game. The Eagles gave the i rrows another defeat of5 to 3.AUGUST 2. The Arrows journeyed to the Cascades Ball Diamond iu playthe Ellettsville Eagles in a return game and were again defeated 6 to 5.BASEBALL TOURNEYAUGUST 12. The Unionville Arrows opened their first game of the countytourney by defeating the Stinesville Quarry Lads 8 to 6. The second andfinal game of the tourney was played with the Ellettsville Eagles. TheArrows were defeated by the Eagles for the third time during the seasonwith a score of 9 to 3. This ended our baseball season.This page donated by Skinner Standard Service Station—1301 N. WalnutSt., Bloomington, Ind.Page Nineteen
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/261
Collection: Unionville High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.