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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1940, Page 15

Description: LLAMARADASenior Class HistoryWe entered school in the fall of 1928; Mrs. Frances Brown was our firstteacher. She is still giving the children their first taste of school work at theCross Roads school. Miss Leota Price taught us our second year of school. Thenext year, our third year. Miss Ethel Oliver took us in hand. The fourth a n dfifth were taught by Miss Zelma Denny and the sixth by Miss Frances Kelly. In1934-35 we started as a large class in the seventh grade. Mrs. Emily Lyles wasour seventh and eighth grade sponsor.As Freshmen Mr. Clarence Stewart was our sponsor and our officers were:Juanita King, President; Hubert Grubb, Vice-President; Geraldine Cole, Secretary and Treasurer. During our Freshman year the Sophomores entertained uswitli a Freshman Initiation party. We also had many good times at other parties,especially our Freshman banquet.As Sophomores, Mrs. Norma Zeis was our sponsor; Jean Siscoe, President;Carl Smith, Vice-President; Virginia Day, Secretary and Treasurer.In our Junior year our officers were: Juanita King, President; CharlesMay, Vice-President; Virginia Day, Secretary and Treasurer. Our sponsorswere Mr. James McJilton and Mr. Weathers. We entertained the Seniors witha banquet at the Graham Hotel. During our Junior year we gave two plays,Mystery at Midnight and The Scarlet Ghost; and we also sold candy atthe basketball games.This year is our last year in the Ellettsville High School. We are proudthat Ave have four Seniors on the basketball squad. There are sixteen Seniors.The officers are Juanita King, President; Charles May, Vice-President; VirginiaDay. Secretary and Treasurer.During our last year we have been very busy. Everyone of the Seniorshas been very good to help put out the 1940 Llamarada.We certainly have had a fine sponsor to help us this year. He has helpedus through all of our troubles and activities. Mr. Weathers has been our sponsorfor the last two vears.Page Fifteen
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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