Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1962, Page 42

Description: *Senior HistoryIn 1950 the Class of 62 first entered Ellettsville School. They were so small and the school solarge that they were shy and scared, but Mrs. Leota McNeely and Mrs. Opha Kinser helped themto forget their fears and soon settle down to the business of learning to read and write. Mrs.Kinser had part of the class in the second grade also along with Mrs. Eudora Mason. Then Mrs.Beatrice Tapp directed them through the third grade. They were surprised when Mrs. Kinser greeted them again in the fourth grade. Mrs. Marjorie Carter and Miss Lillian Lockridge guided themthrough the fifth grade, and Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Justine Harrell prepared them for the next bigstep—junior high.This move was a great change in daily routine for them as for the first time they had lockers,changed rooms and teachers for classes, and held class meetings. Mr. H. C. Weathers and Mrs.Doris Olson were the seventh grade sponsors, and Mrs. Beatrice Overstreet and Mrs. Dorcas Richardson, the eighth. They then handed the class to Mr. Dennis Grafe in the freshman year. Theyconsidered themselves very unfortunate (?) because they no longer could have a freshman initiation, but they enjoyed many class activities and had a never to be forgotten banquet plannedaround a Tropicana theme.During the sophomore year Mr. James Thrasher became the sponsor. The highlight of the yearwas the ordering and receiving of class rings. In the junior year they honored the seniors witha banquet and prom, Somewhere over the Rainbox, and presented a play, Lindy Lou.And now the time has come to graduate—yes, they are seniors. They have shared many experiences as a class, and with Mr. Thrasher and Mr. Donald Bennett helping them, they have accumulated a host of pleasant memories that will always remain with them and cause them to remember Ellettsville High School with very deep affection and esteem.Senitors in1950-s\>-*»ROW I: Jimmy Williams, Harold Crane, Jr., Mary Pfaff, Ernest Webb, Linda Wagner, Evelyn Duncan, Sharon Hinkle,Donald Burch. ROW II: Loretta Hughes, Johnny Winkler, Wesley Hawkins, Robbie Purcell, Larry Baxter, RaymondRobertson, Tommy Goodall, Vernon Pfaff, Gary Baxter, Donald Robertson, Jerry Mundy. ROW III: Mrs. LeotaMcNeely, teacher; Denny Martindale, Edward Oliver, Jimmy Wickens, Marilyn Landgrebe, Rita Parrott, Donna Robertson, Beverly Craig, Sandra Jackson.42
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-ellettsvil/id/2050
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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