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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1928, Page 10

Description: In 1863 Prof. D. Eckley Hunter became the first superintendent of thegraded school and high school system which he had succeeded in pursuadingthe people to adopt. He continued in office until 1867 when E. P. Pole assumed the responsibilities of the superintendency for the next three years.Prof. Pole was succeeded by George Washington Lee in 1870. Prof. Leewas a graduate of Indiana Asbury University at Greencastle and received hismasters degree at I. U. in 1859.J. M. Wilson was superintendent from 1872 to 1873.From 1875 to 1877 Miss Margaret McCalla was superintendent. Sheserved again from 1880 to 1890, and because of her faithful service, McCallaSchool was named in her honor.Upon her resignation in 1890, Mr. C. M. Carpenter was elected superintendent, and he served until 1895 when W. H. Fertich took the position.Wm. H. Glascock followed Fertich, and under his administration activitiessuch as athletics, oratory, and music flourished in the school. Upon his deathin 1901, Mr. James K. Beck, the High School Principal, was elected to theplace which he occupied until 1905, at which time he resigned to enter business.It was during his administration that the school year was divided into twosemesters, and the plan of half year promotions by subjects was inaugurated.Mr. W. H. Sanders was chosen head of the school system in 1905 andserved until 1909. Mr. Sanders made the first arrangements with the University by which the High School was to be used for observation and practiceteaching courses of the University, the school city to receive $33 for permittingthe use of the High School, one half of which was to be paid to the superintendent; the other half, to the school board. The University now pays about40 per cent, of the salary of critic teachers, the school city paying the other60 per cent.Mr. Sanders resigned in 1909, and for the third time a local person waselected, Mr. Henry L. Smith, the present Dean of the School of Education inIndiana University. In his superintendency the High School was transferredto the new building which had been built in 1914.Mr. E. E. Ramsey, who had been Principal of the High School, waselected Superintendent in 1917. Athletics, particularly basketball, prosperedunder the able direction of C. E. Montgomery, the first coach to devote himselfalmost entirely to athletics.Mr. Ralph N. Tirey, the present Superintendent, has held that positionsince 1922. A new grade building, a large gymnasium, and a building nowunder construction for the stone department, are the result of the building program instituted in his term. Facilities have been provided for many vocationalsubjects in this period also.Page Ten
Collection: Bloomington High School

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