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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1959, Page 38

Description: niaa MiaM iiii>iiiliiiiilii\^->The Male Quartet, a new group organized this year atB.H.S., performed at special programs. The purpose of theorganization was to teach the boys more about singing in apleasurable way. It consisted of three seniors and one junior.These boys met four times a month for rehearsals, during aregular class period. Jerry Steele, Thomas Roberts, RobertShields, and Tom Bridgwater made up this quartet. The boyswere organized and sponsored by Miss Dorothy Powell, thenew Choir director and Madrigal sponsor.The B.H.S. Concert Orchestra presented three concerts during the second semester and played with the U.H.S. Orchestrafor Baccalaureate in the I.U. Auditorium. In addition to studying and performing music by many composers, members corresponded with their adopted Korean girl. At Christmasthe orchestra sent money to be used for the purchase of a giftfor her. The officers were Ronald Hacker, president; BarbaraBadertscher, vice-president; Beverly Stillions, secretary; andRonald Burkhart, treasurer.Tom Bridgewaters, Jerry Steele, Robert Shields, and Tom Robertsrehearse.Male Quartet — Concert Orchestraiottom row, left to right: Barbara Badertscher, Glenda Terrell, Elaine Wenrich, Linda Kahl, Edgar Smith, Lee Ann Dawson Second rowbteye Phillips, Joyce Day, Shirley Freeman, Reatha Ice, Jerry Hood, Marian Pressler, James Mahler, Dee Ann Gregory, Nancy Cracraft MaryAnn Bales, Ronald Hacker. Third row: Beverly Stillions, Gregory Tourner, Larry Medsker, Mr. Neal, David Frye, Steve Grimes lames Arthur, Kent Massey, David Dixon, Ronald Burkhart.38This page sponsored by JOE CHAMBERS
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.