Below: SeniorsEdward Binghamand Kelsey Coysit together during lunch. PHOTOBY ALEXANDRA DYETop Right:Juniors RachelDavis and JustinBerg. PHOTO BYALEXANDRA D...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE105should greet the actors each night. To thosewho have seen the opening scenes, there is nouse for urging attendance. Those...
Earlham, 21.For the Earlham aggregation Winslow andLogan were the stars, especially the latter, whoplayed the floor in wonderful style. Schenck,Knauth ...
123Griffith, Prest. McCammon, V. Prest. Spindler, Yell Master. Miss Smith, Secy.FRESHMAN OFFICERS, WINTER TERM.Miss Yundt, Secy.nigs in the inter-class deb...
C.L. Zechiel, vice president
Harry Dannaker, treasurer
Alma Bundy, secretary, and J. C. MacCam-nion, propagator of yells. The organization has apromising outlook for the term and all hands arejoining&...
182THE NORMAL ADVANCEname, Grieger, Haggard, Hauck, Racey, Smith,Stahl, Sweeney, Switzer, and Watson, shouldbe well-known by this time in the respectivedis...
On Saturday, March 30 the trackand field season had finally arrived,and students were itching to startcompeting. Bloomington South trackathletes had b...
252THE NORMAL ADVANCEATHLETICSIndiana State Normal athletics are takingtheir normal spring term course. The variousteams began in April with little talent&...
by Friedman, 4.Hit by pitched ball—Nichol. Time of game—1:30. Umpire—Bossart.Rose Polytechnic was expecting only a practice game when ...
FOOTBALLMax Makes a Gain on an End-runGridiron SeasonThe Bloomington Panthers opened their 1945 football season at Huntingburg by trouncingthe Happy H...
theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 2Branch SuggestionPlan ImprovementNoted by KoegleCHICAGO, ILL.-A marked improvementin both number of suggestionssubmitted and...