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182THE NORMAL ADVANCEname, Grieger, Haggard, Hauck, Racey, Smith,Stahl, Sweeney, Switzer, and Watson, shouldbe well-known by this time in the respectivedistricts, and the actions of these would-beslaughterers of innocents should be rememberedat the next reckoning day. It is an evidentfact that these men place greed and gold abovethe welfare and • education of their infantcharges, and consequently are unfit for safeguarding the interests of the Commonwealth.INDIANA UDRY BY 1912.It is claimed that Indiana will be entirelyfree of saloons by 1912 if the temperance wave,which is sweeping over the State at the present time, continues to do its deadly work to thebooze interests. Since the enactment of theCounty option law last year, 32 Counties haveheld elections, and only one, Wayne County,,has voted to retain its saloons. In these 31Counties voting dry, 466 saloons were drivenout of business. Twenty-one other Countieshad already taken advantage of the blanketremonstrance and are dry, putting 1,800 saloons out of business.The failure of the last Legislature to repealthe County option law has only strengthenedthe above belief, and ten more counties willtake action before the first of April. Fifty-two Counties of the State dry, 2,266 saloons,driven out, ten more Counties ready to vote be-for April 1: form your own opinion. WillIndiana be dry by 1912 ?ATHLETICSFleeting advance guards of spring zephyrsare intimating that basketball and indoor gymnasium work will soon give place to outdoortrack and baseball. State Normal ball tossersand wearers of the spiked sandals are beginning to stir from the long winter of enforcedhibernation.Manager Benham and his cohort of sprinters, jumpers and heavers are already passingthrough the initial stages of getting into trim.Active, daily practice in the Normal gymnasium has been the password during the lastfortnight. The manager reports more real interest on the part of the student body in trackwork than for several seasons hence. WithCaptain Stantz back to lead on the field andseveral new men showing up in good form, thetrack department of spring sports looks fairlypromising. Real outdoor work will begin assoon as old Sol puts Parsons Field in a hospitable condition.The indoor, interclass meet of March 12served to bring out abilities of various menand was a culmination of the winter stuntsin the gym.Normal High is booked for an indoor interclass meet March 19.With the spring term rapidly advancing andwith little opportunity for real work on thediamond and none whatever in the gymnasium,,baseball hopefuls are beginning to champ atthe bit. Reports of organized activity andregular practice in other colleges serve as adeep contrast to the inertia which must of anecessity surround our future diamond heroes.The two-mile ride to and from the grounds isas yet too full of lurking chances for colds andsore arms to encourage systematic daily practice. Owing to the peculiar nature of our institution the make-up of the varsity is yet aquestion mark. Few of the men likely tomake good are yet in school. Most of them willbe on hand with the first signs of the springterm, however, when development will have tobe pushed to the utmost.Meanwhile Manager Rowe has been workingon the schedule and has arranged for a goodlist of games.Manager Cohee, who has been chosen to succeed Rowe at the end of the term when our |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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