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Showing 61 - 80 of 1,165 results
Search Results - (( a ((three rive...
Showing 61 - 80 of 1,165 results
LLAMARADASENIOR CLASS HISTORYWe entered school in the fall of 1926. Mrs. Frances Brown wasour first teacher. She is still giving the children...
Ellettsville High School
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE47of the Epsilon Delta Chapter. The room withits mellow light, the Halloween decorations,suggestive of spooks and goblins and hob-go...
the different coursesbeing offered in a unique fashion. At the closeof the evening a hayride was enjoyed.On the evening of Nov. 9, the ...
Indiana State University Archives
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74THE NORMAL ADVANCERhoads. Miss Grace Ream will come shortly
after Christmas to be the guest of Miss Irma
Mayrose.The following announcements...
Weep, and you weep alone
For this solid old earth must borrow its mirthIt has trouble enough of its own.On Friday evening, November 21, the Psi
Tlieta Soro...
Indiana State University Archives
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68THE NORMAL ADVANCEAn Estimate of Greek ArtWALTER W. HARVEYIt is impossible to place a sweeping estimateupon any phase of life in Greece, b...
andsometimes all of these on one statue. TheThe Greeks thought the curves of the humanbody the most beautiful things in nature, andtheir acc...
on the southside, that of the Centaurs and the Lapithae
orthe west end, the victory of the Athenians overthe Amazons
and on the north probably thefall of Troy. .Under the porch and extending entirelyaround the building was a frieze in low-relief,representing a...
Indiana State University Archives
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Drawing of the Terre Haute Female College by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Artist and Architect.
Terre Haute Female College Which in Later Years Became the Nucleus of St. Anthonys Hospital. Drawing by Juliet A. Peddle, Terre Haute Artist...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
@Ss59(>S^^©LJ^AMARADA655^S9QsaSr£>THE SCHOOL BUILDINGHistory of Ellettsville SchoolSince the founding of the town of Ellettsville, educatio...
Ellettsville High School
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A1We ftt alwayd RememoebSENIOR CLASS OFFICERSCarol Jo Barid—TreasurerRuth Baynes—Vice PresidentEd Hudson—PresidentDorothy Fiscus—Secretary. . . the ...
Ellettsville High School
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: 1,FOOTBALL TEAMS—First row: Dave Smith, Ron Mills, DaveRich, Dick Walker, Jay Suer, Bill Brummett, Tom Black,Steve Ferguson, Steve Dale,...
University High School
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE.117SOTO.On the afternoon of February 21, Mrs. L. J.Rettger delightfully entertained the Soto Chapter. Miss Whitenack was present an...
7th.Miss Whitenack gave an informal reception,Saturday afternoon, February 14th, for her guest,Miss Nina Newson, who is now teaching in Indianapolis. ...
Indiana State University Archives
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SILAS SMIDGE FROM TURNIP RIDGEThis comedy was about Silas Smidge who came from Turnip Ridge to see SimplicityMcPheeters, his old sweetheart. He...
Ellettsville High School
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10THE NORMAL ADVANCEthe greetings between old friends and loyalmembers, and the welcoming of new ones, themeeting was called to order by the ...
historian, Carmack. Clem O.CICERONIANS.The Ciceronian Debating Society began itswork the first week in the term. Some very interesting and helpful wor...
Indiana State University Archives
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SPANISH CLUBRow one—M. H. Morris, MaryMoore, Elizabeth Allen, Pris-cilla Brinegar, Mary Howard,Norma Skirvin, Carolyn Sullivan, Barbara Clark, Rose Marie...
Bloomington High School
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GLEN JOHNSONCOACHWormy made his debut into our coaching fieldthis year and v/as everything that followers of thePurple and White expected him...
Bloomington High School
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PRESCENIUM PLAYERS OFFICERS: Gayle Bishop, president; EvelynWhaley, secretary; Chuck Jean, treasurer; John Pomeroy and RichardEngle, sergeants at ...
Bloomington High School
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Corydon’s public schools began with the establishment of the Corydon Seminary in 1827. The school was held in what originally was the ...
Harrison County Schools
Crown Hill Cemetery Gates, 3402 Boulevard Place, architect: Adolph Scherrer [Scherrer’s design for what is now referred to as the ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Crown Hill Cemetery, Detail of Entrance Gates, 3402 Boulevard Place, architect: Adolph Scherrer [Scherrer’s design for what is now referre...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Crown Hill Cemetery Gates, 3402 Boulevard Place, architect: Adolph Scherrer [Scherrer’s design for what is now referred to as the ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Crown Hill Cemetery, Detail Entrance Gates, 3402 Boulevard Place, architect: Adolph Scherrer [Scherrer’s design for what is now referred t...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Crown Hill Cemetery Gates, 3402 Boulevard Place, architect: Adolph Scherrer [Scherrer’s design for what is now referred to as the ...
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection