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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE.117SOTO.On the afternoon of February 21, Mrs. L. J.Rettger delightfully entertained the Soto Chapter. Miss Whitenack was present and gave a veryinteresting talk on the life of Elizabeth StuartPhelps Ward, which was greatly enjoyed. Daintyrefreshments were served.Mrs. J. B. Wisely entertained the ChapterSaturday afternoon, March 7th, with a Ping Pongcontest. Miss Benedict was the successful contestant. After the contest refreshments wereserved with Miss Head presiding at the chafingdish. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed byall. The old members doubly enjoyed it as anopportunity was given to welcome the new members, Misses Emma and Norma Froeb and EvaRumbley.THE JEFFERSON CLUB.On account of the many other attractions during the winter term the Jefferson Club has not metas regularly as usual. On Friday, February 27th,Hon. Henry W. Warrum of Indianapolis, gave apublic lecture under the auspices of the club. Hissubject was Robert Burns and his defense ofthe ploughman poet was eloquent and much enjoyed by the entire audience. The club will increase its membership next term and expects toclose its first year with a reception after thefashion of a political love-feast.ALPHA ITEMS.Miss Mary Hill, leader of the honorary sectionof the Alpha Chapter, entertained the members ather home on North Fifth after the basket ballgame, Saturday evening, February
7th.Miss Whitenack gave an informal reception,Saturday afternoon, February 14th, for her guest,Miss Nina Newson, who is now teaching in Indianapolis. Miss Newsom is an Alpha and thoseinvited to meet her were members of both thehonorary section of the Alpha Chapter and thesection now in school.The Alphas gave a charming picnic supper inthe spacious dining room of the girls hall, Saturday night, February 14th, entertaining three outof town guests, Miss Newsom of Indianapolis,Miss Schafer of Greeneastle and Miss Stultz ofHuntington. The invitation list included besides the honorary section of the Chapter, MissWhitenack, Miss Cox, Miss Anderson, Miss Hilland the patronesses, Mrs. Curry, Miss Laymanand Miss Keating.Miss Edna Regan who came home February27th to spend a few days, was surprised by theAlphas calling upon her in a body after the gamebetween the Normal and I. U. Music was provided by Misses Lajman and Ostrander and avery enjoyable evening was spent. Refreshmentsconsisting of ice cream and cake were passed andthe guests departed at a late hour, delighted overthe fact that they had finally succeeded in surprising one of their members.Classes.SENIORS.The Seniors held a meeting on Friday evening,February 13th. On account of the disagreeableweather but few members were present.The meeting was given over entirely to thetransaction of business.The different committees for the Class Play reported the progress of their work.On Friday evening, February 27th,. the Seniorclass held their regular meeting. A large numberwas present.I. B. Warners resignation as class orator wasreluctantly accepted.E. C. Stopher resigned as athletic captain, andMr. Harris was appointed to take his place.Prof. Charles Curry was present and gave amost enthusiastic talk concerning the Class Playto be given this year.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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