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Showing 21 - 40 of 1,404 results
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Showing 21 - 40 of 1,404 results
Class ProphecyAs I relaxed in my tent, Janet Marker, my fearless photographer, rushed in excitedly waving a letterand a newspaper in front o...
Stinesville High School
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Dec. 23. -Class day exercise of the 08^ class. Will Anthonycome back after the vacation? Arent some datesappropriate?1909Jan. 2: -New...
Bloomington High School
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MemoriesThe halls looked wide, long and scaryto many of us, on the first day of ourfreshman year at UHS. After we brokethe ice of ...
University High School
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24The FlashTHE S E N I O R S-ContinuedThe next one we have is TedOr maybe its Virgil instead.Now theres a pal for you,For he ...
Ellettsville High School
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A C T I V I T I E S-ContinuedFRESHMEN INITIATEDThe green freshmen were initiated by the wise sophomores the night ofOctober 23. The...
Ellettsville High School
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HISTORY OF UNIONVILLE HIGH-SCHOOLIn the year 1916, a movement to build a high school was started in Benton Township.Bands of speakers, composed...
Unionville High School
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JUNIOR HIGHIn Junior High, the eighth graders are the most important people because sevens are newto everything. Among other things, the sevens...
Smithville High School
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E_r-%_>: /-^K-v__«_»^^-H--v~M_Hri.~iMEMORIAL TO THE SENIOR CLASS OF 55We are now in caps and gowns,After twelve years ...
Stinesville High School
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A Senior’s Autobiography(By Mary Bell)On the great day of July 2 0 and a very pleasant year, 1928, therecame to some people ...
Unionville High School
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OUR SCHOOL MONTH BY MONTHSEPTEMBERSchool opens. Underclassmen nobly vow tostudy hard this year. Seniors dont.Among the couples who seem to have g...
Bloomington High School
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T H E F LASHTHE SENIOR S~ContinuedEugene EichenbergerIkeher goal of education. In 1925 she began on hereighth step at Cox; studied hard...
Ellettsville High School
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WHAT A PIN CAN DO-ContinuedJoe could do nothing but stare into space and think. If Bettywent, she would soon be entering some kind of...
Bloomington High School
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HPACVCETISCMCNTS■~HB.rHELP WANTEDOne who will wash and iron, help with cooking, wash dishes, doheavy cleaning. Must be on the job 24 hours...
Bloomington High School
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JOKESRuby: How do you get by without brains?Mary T.: I cheat. Whats your excuse?George D.:Who won the beer drinking contest?P...
Ellettsville High School
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LLAMARADADECEMBER2 Two ball games this week-end. Shoals and French Lick.5 Blue Monday. Won from Shoals and lost to French Lick. Jackson gets ...
Ellettsville High School
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Class Prophecy of Forty-TwoWhats going on at the school, said Principal Lee Addie on a sultry Sunday morning in July.Oh, yes, dear I fo...
Ellettsville High School
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The Flash 5CLASS OF 1930General History of ClassTwenty-one boys and girls entered high school on September 13, 1929 as Seniors of old E....
Ellettsville High School
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tThe largest class ever graduating from the Ellettsville High School wasassembled on the stage in the high school gymnasium, on the twenty-sevent...
Ellettsville High School
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The Flash11The JUNIORSFRONT ROW—Lillyn Wampler, Kathleen Taylor, Helen Dramins. SECOND ROW—Fred Herod, Dwight Rowe, Alan Weinkauf, Paul Stanger. B...
Ellettsville High School
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mmwmmmClass WillI, Jerry Warthan, do hereby will my ability to play ball to Johnny Figg providing heplays as well as I did.I, Janice Jo...
Stinesville High School
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