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OUR SCHOOL MONTH BY MONTHSEPTEMBERSchool opens. Underclassmen nobly vow tostudy hard this year. Seniors dont.Among the couples who seem to have gottentogether over the vacation are Doris Sewardand Bill Curry; Mary Frances Scott and GeorgeBlair; and Nancy Snyder and Bill Matthews.Seniors resume politics with the result thatBob Bridges is Gothic Editor and Doris SewardBusiness Manager.Office says that school will close at 5:00P. M. Studes with ten different activities wonder how theyll ever get all of it in.OCTOBEREveryone goes around wanting to knowwhos afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, and variousother Big Bad Personages about school.Blue Triangle organizes with 125 members(Seward is president) which is a good dealmore than the Hi-Y. The girls say that thereshould be enough boys to go around at least.Seniors Standup for class in first party ofyear. Bicycles built for three are advertisedfor these senior men who have two gals.Teachers patrol halls to prevent loitering.Meetings of the Girls Gossip Society are postponed indefinitely.Blue Tri and Hi-Y hold Halloween party atthe Abe Martin Lodge. Majority of boys comeclad as farmers. No cracks, please!NOVEMBERMary Stuart Hayes and Garwood Judah starin Proscenium play, Once In a Lifetime.Gypsy atmosphere pervades school.Gothic pictures are taken. Club mindedstudents spend lots of time on the front steps.Football heroes £re still going strong andwinning games with commendable regularity.Senior play, The Wild Westcotts, presented with such notables in the cast as MaryEllen Thornton, Isabel Penrod, Betty Sudbury,Doris Seward, Betty Bender, Helen Wykoff,Mary Sturdevant, Marjorie Finkbiner, JohnNurre, William Curry, Bobbie Leonard, GeorgeBlair, Robert Magill, Robert McLean, RalphElmo Murray. Senior sponsor Myers seen displaying with pride the sign which told thepublic that all seats were full at the first performance.DECEMBERGeorge Blair, Devon Scherer, Kate Benns, BillCurry, Doris Seward are committee for Christmas Drive which has become an annual custom.School raises money and contributes food andtoys for needy families. Drive goes over in amanner worthy of B. H. S.School mourns death of Daddy Mc-Caughan. His loss can never be replaced.Vacation sends kiddies home to rest up afterarduous duties at school. Halls and classroomsare gay with decorations.There are rumors of a rift in the Curry-Seward pair.Senior Sponsor Myers marries.JANUARYStudents rest up after arduous vacation.Mr. Tirey elected president of Indiana StateTeachers College. Mr. Vogel named to succeed him.Mr. W. F. Totten appointed head of MathDepartment.Curry-Seward rift becomes bust-up. Bill isseen with Martha Martz, Ellen Alexander,Phyllis Landis, and others. Doris is seen withBill Mathers, Buster Purcell, Bobby Leonard andAbie Rothrock.Seventeen students graduate at end ofsemester.FEBRUARYSemester starts and students renew NewYears resolutions.Mary Evelyn Fowlers was to lose morepounds, and Roger Currys to keep his haircombed.Comic valentines make their appearance.Optimist columnist is threatened but shesays this has been going on as long as she canremember and her memory is famed. (ornotorious)Most people agree that Gloria Allen and DickSchmalz make a cute couple.OHara, composer of K-K-K-Katie, givesconvo. Albert Goodrich admits that this is hisfavorite song.Nurre and Sudbury seen together.MARCHBloomington wins sectional for first time ineleven years. Betty Hutton and Mary Lou Gil-lum annex two Martinsville players.Bloomington loses regional.Cecilia Hendricks and Jimmy Wray split up.Dittrich still seen with Pickles. Righty andLefty with Virginia and Glodine and Fred Davisconfesses a liking for Evelyn Headley.Debate squad wins district but is put out inzone.Track and spring football start.Coach Mumby is father of twins.Lucky Seniors become members of HonorSociety. Old joke about Onsry Society bobsup again.Entire school and community roll in aisles ofauditorium during Clarence.Eighty-seven |
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Bloomington High School |
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