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A C T I V I T I E S-ContinuedFRESHMEN INITIATEDThe green freshmen were initiated by the wise sophomores the night ofOctober 23. The sophomores, who had received their initiation last year, made ittough for the freshmen. The main event of the evening was the kissing of the Constitution, which was first a pan of molasses that the freshmen had to kiss, followedby a pan of flour. It was reported that the sophomores had to scrub the gym floor toget the molasses off it.FRESHMAN BANQUETThe freshmen enjoyed their annual Freshman Banquet April 1 in the old gymnasium. They had a very successful banquet and enjoyed themselves very much.JUNIORS PRESENT HOBGOBLIN HOUSEThe juniors gave their first class play Friday, December 20. It was the spookyHobgoblin House. All were well pleased with the play and said that they receivedtheir moneys worth in thrills and excitement and laughs. This was the second timethis play has been presented here, but we still had the same thrills and scares thatwe had before.JUNIORS HAVE SKATING PARTYThe juniors had a skating party in November. All had a good time even thougheverybody fell at least twice. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Sakel furnished entertainmentfor all. Everyone decided to get some practice in skating before the next skatingparty.JUNIORS HAVE SECOND SKATING PARTYOn March 3 students and graduates boarded a school bus again to go to thejuniors skating party. There was a big crowd. There were about one hundred andfifty there. There werent half as many falls as before. Everybody must have beenin practice. Mr. Sakel didnt fall, to everybodys dismay! Mr. Stewart didnt evenskate; so you see nothing happened to write about. The skating party was very successful.JUNIORS PRESENT HOLIDAY HOUSEFriday, April 18, the juniors gave their second play. It was a comedy and wasa great success. Holiday House was enjoyed by everyone. The junior plays havebeen most successful.JUNIOR CLASS PARTYThe juniors had a class party in January at the home of their sponsor, MissReeves. Bob Crum was the champion table-tennis player. Mutt Freeman annoyedthe filling station owners by calling them up and asking if their stations were on stateroad 46; and then he told them to move it because a car was coming! After playinggames and calling people up on the telephone, they drank ginger ale and grape sodaand ate Ritz crackers and wafers.BOYS AND GIRLS COUNCILS ORGANIZEDThe Boys and Girls Councils were organized the first of November. The delegates from the high school and junior high met and elected officers. The officers ofthe Girls Council are: president, Dorothy Schaadt; vice-president, Hester Baker;secretary, Wilda Gorham; and song leaders, Faye Libkie and Irene Miller. The officers of the Boys Council are: president, Bobby Grubb; vice-president, Earnest Freeman; and secretary, James Edward Ray. The delegates are planning to have manyinteresting meetings throughout the year under the guidanceship of Miss Craig, MissHarding, and Mr. Sakel.JOINT MEETING NO. 1The Boys and Girls Councils had a joint meeting November 11. The meetingconsisted of songs by Miss Reeves and poems read by the students. The speakerswere Billy Kelly, who is now in the army, and Rev. A. Elliston Cole of Trinity Episcopal Church in Bloomington. At exactly 11:00 a. m. Billy Curry sounded taps, andthe whole assembly had a few moments of silence.Page Forty-one |
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Ellettsville High School |
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