The Lady Panthers softballteam hit the road duringfinals week to play in theirsectionals tournament.On Monday May 20th, while Southstudents back home&...
HBH9HHHHHHHHHB mmmlaying against Edgewood.sophomore Amy Huestonwrestles the ball away from heropponent. The JV team playedmany of their games on the r...
BEYONDSCHOOLACTIVITIESThere are more sports in Bloomington besides school relatedathletics. One sport North and South students and skaters in thesurrounding...
Fourteen new teachers join Souths facultJTeacher negotiations, new faculty members, teachers of foreign backgrounds,retirements, awards, North Central evaluation...
Senior Hele Rose prepares her forehand return duBnglrhe South tennismatch. North lost tl#natch 3-2.Competing against South, senior Kelsey Brannon dive...
BEST.11 TraditionBefore thegames whilerunning out ofthe locker room,the playerswould all hitthe PantherDefense signnext to the door.OFFreshmanTraditionThe team sangt...
Senior Madeline Kane gives the backgroundon an unusual winter holiday: Krampus, whichBloomingtonians celebrated on December 7.GOTHIC YEARBOOK: WHO IS&...
—■2W0driving the distanceThree of the bouth girls golfers longestdrives are put into peikpective.senior RileyDavidoff220 yardsjunior DanielleStegemolier225 ...