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Training CampBoys Tennis•Practice Schedule: 7-9 a.m. andafternoon evaluation matches•98-99 Record/Rank: 20-3,Preseason #15• Key Returnees: juniors ChrisCarter, Jeff Carter, Neal Gwinand Andrew Remak• What did you do individually orwith your team to be ready Aug. 21I went up to Center Grove totennis clinics there with the guyson my team. I played a fewtournaments and hit around withthe guys on the team a few timesper week, sophomore Reid Buccisaid.Girls Cross Country•Practice Schedule: August 2-7,8-10a.m., and August 9-13, camp atBradford Woods•98-99 Record: Reached Semistate•Key Returnees: seniors JenniferEvans and Rachel Shiffrin, juniorMackenzie Smith and sophomoresMonica Behney and Marianne Lloyd•What did you do individually orwith your team to be ready Aug. 21The team would get together andgo on runs to Bryan Park or theYMCA.AIso my DeCycles triphelped me with cross-training forit, junior Jean Martin said.Boys Soccer•Practice Schedule: 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.•t98-i99Record: 7-8-3•Key Returnees: seniors DeWayneSmith, Danny ONeill, AnthonyGabriele and Matt Vlasman, andjunior Loren Stumpner•What did you do individually orwith your team in July to be readyfor your sport on Aug. 21I ran three miles on my own fourto five times per week. I also liftedweights four or five times a week,and I played pick up games withother guys on my team, juniorChad Schwartzkopf said.Volleyball•Practice Schedule: 8-12 p.m. and I -3 p.m.•98-99Record:2l-l3•Key Returnees: seniors TriciaCooksey, Maggie Fritz and EmilyJennings and junior SunnySchaeuble•What did you do individually orwith your team to be ready Aug. 21I worked out five days a week atthe YMCA. Our team hadconditioning Monday andWednesday mornings from 6-7 a.m.We had open gym Tuesday andcontinued on page 29Over the §/Girls soccer team pushes ^ ^the limits in preseason workouts,practicesby Chris Carter and Andrew RemakAs members of the girlssoccer team left in themorning for practice, they hadmore in their bag than just aball, shinguards and cleats.Making the trip with themwere two meals, runningshoes, lots of water and aswimming suit.In order to be ready for thestart of the season, CoachChris Sellers scheduled threetraining sessions from 8 8 p.m. during the middleweeks of August.The reasoning behind thetwelve-hour practice is for thegirls to get used to a twelve-hour day. On the first gameday, the girls had to wake upat around 6:30 a.m., go toschool for six hours, ride thebus and then play around 7:00p.m. That is a long day, andthe twelve-hour practicehelped them get the schedule,Sellers said.However, upon hearing ofthe 12 hour day the playerswere a little skeptical.I thought it would seemreally long and tiring, but itwent by faster than I thought,junior Susan Hall said.My first thoughts were thatthe practices were going to befun, but long, senior Liza Prallsaid.With many new freshmencoming to join theupperclassmen on varsity,Sellers wanted the girls tobuild a strong sense of teamunity with one another, alongwith learning soccer.During the 12 hours wehad some time where we wentto eat or just hung out as ateam, and we became closer,freshman Amy Cooksey said.The team didnt interactwith each other solely on thesoccer field. They only spentfive hours of each daypracticing.We watched the U.S.womens teams matches,lifted weights, wentswimming, played soccerindoors for a change of pace,ordered pizza and went toDairy Queen, Sellers said.Hall enjoyed the poolworkouts the best, wherethey would combine aquaticsand soccer skills.We stood on the side ofthe pool, and Coach Sellerswould throw us a ball and wewould either try to head it orkick it into the water polonets, Hall said.The girls soccer teamdeveloped strong teamchemistry in their pre-seasonpractices, which would proveto help them during theseason.Hall said, Preseasonpractices are just asimportant as practices duringthe season. And they havehelped us in our first fewgames.Lauren HumesStretching after a morning run, the girlscross country team discusses the daysactivities at their summer camp. Thecamp was held the second week ofAugust at Bradford Woods.28 Gothic • jiii.v august 1999 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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