Students turnto mentors andfind valuableTeacherFhenasTTaacn1 r amily t tence usDuring Senior Night Mariah Jackson stands with her father and...
TENNIS TEAM . . .First Row: Richard Robertson, Jim Zimmerly,Richard Loshbrook. Second Row: Greg Myers,Coach Keith Rhoades.Racketeers Rebuild TeamThe...
Junior Gunner Hutchinscelebrates the win after theConference Indiana gameagainst the Lawrence CentralBears. Hutchins is a startingguard for the North boysv...
I_J IOverall Record:Dual Season Record:...Perfect practicemakes perfect.Memories and MomentsWe dont have any rituals before a match, but win orlose,...
rBaseballteam endsseason 13-9Coach Jim McMillans baseball Panthers finished the season with a 13-9regular season record.Seniors Larry Blackwell and Craig B...
HAROLD MUMBYGLEN JOHNSONTHE COACHESGlen Johnson, basketball and track coach, has just finished his fourthsuccessful year here. During this time he has...
During Sectional, junior JasonDenton keeps his opponentpinned to the ground. Dentonwon his Sectional division.LEADERS OF THE PACKFreshman JT YoungWeight cl...