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Description: 54THE NORMAL ADVANCELois Julian, 09, is traveling for a book company and has his headquarters at Toronto,Canada.Miss Edna G. Elston, 14, is teaching in theprimary grades at Columbus, Ind.Nelle Glover, 14, is teaching at Muncie, Ind.Bertha Harbison, 14, is teaching at Wood-burn, Oregon.Myrtle Clark, 10, is in Kansas City, Missouri.Miss Edith Bader, assistant in Methods, isill at her home.Miss Mary E. Simpson is taking Miss Grein-ers place in the library.Among those who attended the TeachersAssociation in Indianapolis, were: ProfessorsKelso, Higgins, Schlicher, and Weng. Professor Weng, president of the Classical Section,reports an attendance of 400, the largest in thehistory of the section.Mr. Harry Kirk, 14, was elected county surveyor of Orange County.Miss Hazel Davis will return for the winterterm to finish the Normal Course.Whack Wright, 14, was visiting the train-in school, Nov. 6. He is teaching at Coalmont,Indiana.Oscar Haney visited Normal friends, Nov. 3.Edna Taggart and Elnora Eichinger visitedMinerva Payton at her home near Clinton,Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 and 8.Miss Haggard, one of the general secretariesof the Student Volunteer Movement in America, talked in chapel Monday morning, Nov. 9.Miss Failing and Miss. Day, teachers in thetraining school, visited schools in Chicagoseveral days.Miss Bernadine Good was visiting friends inParis, over Sabbath, Nov* 8.Paul Boston and Warren Lowe are teachingin the high school at Black Hawk.Walter Carnahan, 13, and Ethel Harper ofOakland City, are married and reside at Fritz-ton.Fourteen Pi Zetas had a luncheon in Craigstea room during the State Teachers Association.Dolly Fessler is teaching at Summitsville.Raymond Warmoth is teaching high schoolat Crown Center.Thomas Mahan is teaching at Lewis.Vincoe Moore is teaching at Georgetown, Indiana.Wright Shafer is teaching in the high schoolat Advance, Ind., and is coaching the basketball team.Ralph Shields, editor of the Advance in 1913,is teaching at Hymera, Indiana.H. L. Hensley is coaching the football teamat Bicknell, Ind.Clara Applegate has charge of the historywork in the Thornton high school.Glenn Houck is principal at Shirley, Ind.Herbert Lahr and Joseph Murdock are atBippus.Hale Pickett is located at Osgood, Ind.Lester Campbell is teaching at Dana, Ind.B. O. Wells is still teaching in the schoolsat Montmorencie, Ind.Fred Shannon is at Brazil, Ind.A. E. Logan is supervisor of manual trainingin Columbus, Ind.Blon Smith is teaching in the high schools inStewartsville, Ind.Elza Brewer and Peggy Swisher are marriedand live in Parigon, Ind.Glenn Curtis is principal at Crown Center,Indiana, and teaches the history and English.Raymond Reese is teaching in the highschool in Emison.H. E. Childress is principal at Kirklin.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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