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Showing 261 - 280 of 517 results
Search Results - (( time when five...
Showing 261 - 280 of 517 results
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
HOW TO HABITATSouth students exercise philanthropy in many differentways: Dance Marathon, Imprint Project, P.A.W.S. andKnitting Club are all clubs tha...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
blessedbut not burdeThe Hill family shares its blessings for the service of the church.In Nathaniel Usher Hill IVs possession was a three-inch...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Lavender-Rampleyif someone made meof the schoolWhat would you change about high school?by andrea morrisI would have school start an hour later...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
StudentsconfesstheirValentinesDaytalesseniorKrystslHahnjuniorAngelaPadgettseniorKelly MillerWhatguys wantto knowabout qvtiA/.Why do girls always goto the bathroom ingroups?Its just...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE139Calhoun Clay opened a bank in NolaChucky.All the colored people around Nola Chuckydeposited their savings in Calhouns bank andCal...
whatwould you do in such a case?Why—er—why, sir, Id walk lame, too,replied the somewhat mystified medical student.Heres to man: He&...
he is not especially bright
he is often turneddown
he generally smokes, and he frequentlygoes out at night.Rev. Sims was distinguished by his longnose. When he came to town the boys wouldlaug...
Indiana State University Archives
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B>y ICayUn ThummeL, klaeLa Laughlin, and JiLL \ZobertsonStudents in Mrs. Wrights Childs Devolpment classtake the opportunity to skip work and ...
Edgewood High School
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Dorothy Phillips and her husband lived in a rented home in Jeffersonville at the time of the flood. Instead of leaving, Dorothy signed ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
scaredspeechlessJL by Jessee Hahnstudents share their .)eriences of speaking in classtv cotton dryness crowds yourmouth, making your words amess of...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Miss Frances Beard spent her adult life teaching at Port Fulton School. In her earliest years, the school served as a Refugee Center fo...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Frank Monroe Rose was 17 years of age when the 1937 flood reached Jeffersonville, Indiana. He was living with his father and two sister...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Girard Vorgang was one of the young men who worked the boats during the 1937 flood. He and his friend rowed supplies into Jeffersonvill...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Edwin Coots, local undertaker and county coroner, was asked to take over as acting mayor during the weeks of the 1937 Ohio River Valley...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Arthur L. Smith, closed his auto repair shop during the flood and volunteered himself and his boat to rescue people trapped by the floo...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
At the time of the flood, C. Kenneth Meloy was a high school senior and paperboy. During the flood he helped set up tents at ...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Amanda RitchieAmanda,We are so proud of you! Wewish you continued success andhope that life is always filledwith wondrous things!All our lov...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Interview with Mayor Bob CampbellDate: 1982Interviewer: B. J. GoodwinTranscriber: Dixie TaylorB. J. Lifetime resident. Local movie entrepreneur. Inter...
Boone County Heritage
No subjects listed
Velma Dickerson was a housewife living in Clarksville, Indiana at the time of the 1937 Flood. For a short time the family sheltered at&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library