Diaper DandiesBoys basketball team finishes season 17-5 without home gymAndreaMorris3 The team beat North by threepoints.The whole season waskinda cool...
chartJhowing excitement,members of S.O.S. sing anddance to Summer Nights in thefirst act of Grease. The grouppresented the show the first threeSaturda...
««i ijj sheading southfor the seasonThe Bloomington South cheerleading squad traveledto Orlando, Florida to compete in the UniversalCheerleaders Assoc...
AcknowledgementsThe 1991 GOTHIC staff staff of Bloomington High dents.wishes to thank all of thepeople involved in the organization and completionof t...
Enthusiastic fanscrowded the stands towatch as the senior andjunior girls played in a fastmoving, clean cut game offlag football. Both sponsorsenjoyed...
happy[hectic]holidaysSchool was out but thesewrestlers were all businesswith five meets and sevenpractices during winter break.FridayDecember21PRACTICESaturdayDecember22M...
Different successes for orchestraChoir director Gwen Witten-Upchurch energetically leads her choir class in their dailywarm-up exercisesBloomington Souths Orchestrae...