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T*lThose Teachers Do It AgainWho was the first president to live in theWhite House? How much does Indiana Avenuecost? What soap opera are Luke Spencer andLaura Baldwin on? How many moons does Marshave?Can you answer some of those questions? OnFebruary 4, 1981, four teachers and four seniorsgot together and tried to answer those and otherannoying questions. It was the fifth annualQuiz Bowl sponsored by the National HonorSociety.A Quiz Bowl consists of two teams with fourmembers each. For the past four years there hasbeen one faculty team and one student team.There are preliminary rounds to find the besttwo teams. These are the teams that compete inthe actual Quiz Bowl.The two best teams this year were bothstrong. The faculty team consisted of the sameteachers as last year, and the year before, and theyear before that . . . The veterans were foreignlanguage teachers Richard Lee and Richard Ritz,and math teachers Greg Peters and FrancesYoung. The opposing student team consisted ofall seniors. They were Manu Jain, J. D. Meadows, Mark Stryker, and Yuvall Taylor.The Bowl itself is made up of four quarters ofnine minutes each. This year five quarters wereplayed because there was extra time. The Seniorscame on strong in the beginning. They wereleading after the first quarter of play with a scoreof 22 to the Facultys 9. However, not to be outdone, the Faculty team roared back and took thelead at the end of the second quarter at 45-38.After that it was all down hill for the studentteam. The teachers continued their surge, leadingfor the rest of the game. After the regulationfour quarters ended, the Faculty had a commanding lead of 101-73. The extra fifth quarter wasplayed and the final score was Faculty 133 andStudents 102. Dr. Diana, sponsor of the NationalHonor Society, would like to stress the fact thatunder-classmen are more than welcome to formteams. In the past the rule has been that onlyjuniors and seniors were able to compete, butthat rule has since been revised and any studentwishing to compete may.2. Mr. Ritz feigns intelligence; a good cover-up for the teachers.1. The winners of this years Quiz Bowl smile after their victory. Team members are Mr. Lee,Mrs. Young, and Mr. Peters. Mr. Ritz was also a team member but left for France soonafter their victory. (But hell be back)!3. The Seniors were all smiles after fighting a tough battle against the Faculty team. Picturedhere are team members J. D. Meadows, Mark Stryker, and Yuvall Taylor. Not pictured isManu Jain.38m****1 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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