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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 244

Description: mATlNSAmanda Ritchie: Well, wewill always be known as Asquared. It is inevitable thatDavid will always get ournames confused and that isbecause we are a team. Iwouldnt have picked anyoneelse to work with. From theminute I found out we weregoing to be co-editors I knewthe book was going to be greatbecause the two of us workingtogether is an amazing duo.Yearbook camp was a trip. Inever thought I would have tocreate a theme in 24 hours, letalone having to be a witnessto people trying to hook upafter only knowing each otherfor a day. I dont think I couldhave done it without you, Iknow I couldnt have. You aremeticulous and catch everyerror there is. At times I felt itwasnt even neccesary toproof a spread after you had.Your intelligence andcreativity definitely showed inthe book. Your dedicationhelped get those pages mailedthat never seemed like theywould leave the room. Youreamazing and thats all there isto it. AVAlison VanDerWege: You areAWESOME!!! Youre a greatleader and an exceptionalpartner. You really kepteveryone in line and stayedon top of everything. Youalways managed to get all thelast-minute quotes andinformation when no one elsewas willing to do it. You havea flare for design, and youre askilled writer. You aredefinitely the MVP! Im soglad I got to work with you-itwas nice to know I couldalways count on you to getthe job done and do it right-you never slacked off. Youmade it fun (as fun as it couldpossibly be) to stay late atnight as we stressed out aboutfinishing pages and thecalculus and governmenthomework we should havebeen doing. Thanks for beingsuch a dedicated editor andpleasant person to work with!ARTo the rest of you from youreditors in chief:Kim Kouka: Thanks so muchfor always helping us outduring the stressful finaldeadline week. You did anawesome job proofing andtying up all the loose ends-wenever wouldve gotten thewrestling scores without you!The mini-mag spreads arew V Spread Design bv|244l thanks\ M Amanda Ritchie and Alison VanDerWegegreat-especially the crosswordpuzzle. Sorry we didnt let youwrite the timeline on thechalkboard very often!Caitlin Galligan: Weappreciated your help duringfirst semester and we missedyou on all those late nightslater in the year. All your workin the mini-mag section helpedus out. You have all thewisdom and expertise of ayearbook Yoda!Jordan Garner: What can wesay, considering youre theonly other person still sittingin room A122 with us on June17? You are so impressive-youre an excellent writer anda great Sports editor. Yourvarsity boys basketball storywas amazing! You shoulddefinitely work for SportsIllustrated someday. We trulyappreciate all your effort anddedication, and we hope thatyou dont show us up on nextyears book.Anshu Kalhan: Even thoughthose stubborn editors boxeswere always in the way, youalways pulled through and gotall your spreads done on time.The sports design was reallyunique and interesting-youdid a great job. Youll beremembered for your famouspicture on the Wall ofShame!Lauren Humes: Youre thefirst section editor who wantedto take on four differentdesigns. The Student Lifesection certainly stands out.We really appreciate howwilling you always were towork hard on your ownspreads, crop photos for othereditors and create the lastAcademics spread. We knowthe staff will be in good handsnext year!Abby Henson: You started outnot knowing much aboutdesign, but you ended upcreating an awesome Activitiessection. You were a very hardworker, and your pages neverhad too many problems(except for that elusiveAcademic Decathlon photo).Jessee Hahn: Wow, you weresuch a valuable staff member.Not only were you a greatAlbum editor, you were alsothe designated photo storywriter. Thank you for workingso hard and picking up theslack on the Album sectionand still being a talentedwriter. We dont know whatwe would have done withoutyou.Chantel Karch: Thanks formanaging to complete anexcellent senior section of theAlbum while working somany hours at Deb. Were sureyour co-workers got tired of uscalling you there! You werealso a pro at stuffing envelopesand stickering photos, andPiga appreciates you foralways getting her mail.Jessa Stager: You were theQueen of Ads! You alwaysmanaged to keep your coolwhen dealing with annoyingpeople who didnt pay andkept wanting to change theirad design. Thinking of top tenlist topics was always fun,wasnt it? Well, for being anewcomer, you certainly filledthe position of Ads editor well,and you were willing to grinand bare it and write that girlstrack story at the very end ofthe year.Ravi Soni: The Academicssection turned out wonderful.Your sidebars and bottombarsgave your section spice. Wereglad you chose to doAcademics because sometimesit is the dreaded section, butyou helped give it some life.Chris Carter: When youwerent leading the dailyrolling chair races through theroom you wrote some prettyimpressive stories, and weknow you were proud ofthem. Well never forget howyoud always come into thecomputer room and look overour shoulders as we editedyour stories saying, Isnt thatan awesome story? Eventhough you always got stuckwriting the Academics stories,you did a great job. Thanks forall your hard work.Jeff Carter: Youre so brave forcalling all the people for thevocational story, even thoughyou hated it. You and yourbrother both wrote so well, theonly way to tell you apart wasby your sideburns. You guyseven quoted the same people!That got a little old, but its ok.You were always willing to getnew and improved quotes. Wealways appreciated yourupdates on WWF. . .or, wait, isit WCW? (we dont know)wrestling on the timeline!Andrew Remak: Well alwaysremember how you were thefirst one to jump out of yourseat whenever there was food,and how you always wantedto go sell ads. On a moreserious note, you were alwaysasking what you could do tohelp and you worked reallyhard on your stories. Weappreciate all your effort.Pete Hall: You really pulledthrough for us by getting thegolf story. Not only did youget the story in the day afterthe State meet, but it was aquality story. You were anawesome writer-we lovedyour exchange trip quotes.Keep up the good work.Eben McAvay: We couldalways count on you to whipthe photographers into shapeand fill in the holes with highquality photos at the lastminute. You are truly a skilledphotographer. We love yourpicture for the closing. Youalso pulled through for us andwrote a pretty good varsitysoftball story at the very end.Justin Banks: Even thoughyou came to class lateeveryday, were glad youwere on staff. You weredefinitely the mostentertaining guy around andyou kept us all laughing whilestill working hard. You are avery unique person andphotographer with all yourtrippy photos. Sorry wecouldnt get more of them inthe book for you!Alyssa Houze: Were sorry wecouldnt come rescue youfrom the other crazy photogsin the darkroom whenever weheard your screams. Thanksfor all your great photos-theYouthfest one has becomequite famous!Matt Gibson: We know howmuch you enjoyed gettingthose Gamers Club photos-weve never seen suchenthusiasm for an assignment.They were awesome! We alsoappreciate how youd alwaystry to check with us to makesure your photos wereacceptable. Good job!David Wonder: You werealways very enthusiastic andready to shoot anything. Ifonly you would stop posingand then losing the photos,youd be totally awesome!Your Student Life dividerpage photo is super. Thanksfor all your help!Matt Vlasman: For being arookie, you did a lot of greatthings for the photo staff.Well always remember howyou were always ready withGerman exchange trip and adsphoto bar pictures. You were avery hard worker.Avery Thatcher: Even thoughyou left at the semester, westill seemed to be using yourphotos for everything-theanthrax ones came in handyfor the opening and the mini-mag. Were so grateful thatyou got to be on staff forawhile and give us such greatphotos.Katie Sheehan: We couldalways count on you to haveyour assignments in on time-you were the only photog whodid that! Your boys basketballphoto with the trophy wasvery impressive. It was veryhelpful to have you as aninsightful connection toTheatre South events, as well.Piga: Well, you were the onewho was always there with usevery time we were workinglate, and we had some prettyinteresting experiences withthe skunk and the fatalerrors. We cant even countup how many long hoursyouve spent here by choice,because you are dedicated tothe staff and our book. Itsdoubtful that many otheradvisers would voluntarilyinvolve themselves so heavilyin the production of their bookand give up so much of theirown time for their students.We truly appreciate all thatyouve done for the book andfor us individually. We thinkMs. Kelsey defined ourrelationship with you whenshe came in today and asked,Wheres your mom? Youalways made sure we hadeaten dinner and finished ourhomework. You were such agood friend to us, and yousympathized and laughedwith us when we told our guystories over the strains ofPure Disco. You alwayssupported us and reminded u;that the book was going to getdone, which often times wedidnt believe. You helped topick out the little errors wecouldnt have ever seen. Mostof all, you taught us how to beleaders and how to stayfocused on a task that seemednever ending. Well neverforget all you have done forus.People behind the scences:We want to thank our HerffJones representative CathyWolfe for all her tips on thecover and spot color. She wasa wonderful help. Thank youto Mrs. Connie Hall forsupplying us with name listsand class rosters and to thecoaches for giving us scoresand team photos. Thank youto our parents for being by oursides when we complainedabout the stresses of Yearbook.We appreciate everyone whohas helped contribute to theproduction of this book.OurA^i^-e1-^--■IZcMMjjLQjjA^crn V<xv(T^V\5«<<0--
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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