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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1994, Page 40

Description: Different successes for orchestraChoir director Gwen Witten-Upchurch energetically leads her choir class in their dailywarm-up exercisesBloomington Souths Orchestraended the 1993-94 school year withseveral admirable achievements. JaneGouker, the orchestras leader, observed that, A lot of students foundnew roles of leadership. The classwas a very mature, and hardworkinggroup.The class presented several concerts including the Night of Dance,and Spring Spectacular, as well asperforming with the BloomingtonSymphony Orchestra. The Night ofDance was a three hour concertFront row: Laura Richardson, Valerie Peek, Heather King,and Kristi Yarde. Second row: Jung-Rim Lee, Peter Bertermann, Aaron Raff, Daniel Walder, Jane Kang, Tim Cease,Jennifer Masters, Jennifer Buchtman, Aimee Miner, JessicaMasters, and Charles Kinzer. Third row: Alan Wiggins, PaulBertermann, Brian Graham, Kristy Marra, Emily Papke, MattHall, John Walbridge, Kirsten Wetterholt, Sibyl Bedford, JesseOwens, Elaine Broderick, Caroline Kibbey, Eric Norton, andLisa Merriman. Back row: Amy White, Travis Waldrip, GregOConner, director Jane Gouker.Matt Hall dreams of becoming world re-known as he plays his violin during orchestraclass.consisting of a wide variety of musicfor the people that attended. On adifferent note the Spring Spectacular included the entire MCCSCstrings players from grades 5-12. Junior Matt Hall, a member of the orchestra, saw the String Spectacularas One of the best concerts wevehad in a long time.Finally, the group had several specific awards throughout the year. Inthe Solo and Ensemble competitionthey walked away with a second rating in Division I. The orchestra alsohad a solo and a quintet group makeit to state in February.Individual honors in the class included one string bass player, VahanPapakhian, who made All-StateHonors Orchestra. Overall, the orchestra had a productive and accomplished year. Junior Kristy Manraconcluded, This group worked really well together. We lost a lot ofseniors last year and had a lot of newfreshmen and sophomores. Nevertheless, we were successful and hada good year.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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