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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1979, Page 74

Description: Team loses nine gomes by 1.7 o gomeAs we prepare to play in the sectional, I cant helpthinking how fast the season has gone. We haveworked hard all year and are confident that we can dothe job. Even though I may never see them again, I willalways remember the friends I have made playing basketball. We have been through a lot together. Theseare the times that I will remember. They will bring backgood memories; I wish they would never end!Lance FurrIn terms of wins and losses, we did notdo as well as we thought we might. But witha break here or there, our record wouldhave been a lot better, said varsity basketball coach Bill Springer. South ended theseason with a 10-12 record, losing ninegames by an average of 1.7 points pergame.One of the losses came in the MuncieCentral tournament against the hosts, the1979 state champs. South was defeatd bytwo points in overtime.The Panthers lost their first three games ofthe season to Edgewood, Columbus North,and Seymour. The team then gained its firstvictories, against Washington and Bedford-North Lawrence, before losing to city rivalBloomington North 56-46.Later in the season South played one ofits finest games of the year, according toSpringer, against Shelbyville, a state-ranked team. The Panthers shot 81 percentfrom the free throw line and won the game64-59.According to Springer, the majorstrengths of this years team were teamwork, desire, and defense.This years seniors were Brad Bomba,Brad Evans, Lance Furr, Andy Jones, JoeLandau, Mike Lutes, Doug Schutte, and JoeWard; the leading scorer was Lance Furr,with 264 points.LEFT: Bloomington South Panthers plantheir strategy against Columbus East.RIGHT: Mike Lutes, No. 40, goes high toscore two against Loogootee.74 Boys Varsity Basketball
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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