16THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.ful. At the first meeting Miss Schafer extendeda hearty welcome to every girl in school to joinwith us
at the second Miss Mayo, our state secretary, was with us, giving us a part of her cheerand enthusiasm. We hope to have her with...
Mary V. Peterson is leader of the Bible Marksmen
and Miss Hatch has taken up The Studyof Old Testament History. We hope more girlswil join some one of these classes, which, we trust,wi...
Oct, 23, promisemeeting, Miss Jackson
Oct, 30, missionary meeting, Miss King
Nov. 6, Bible study, PresidentParsons.Joint meeting of Y. M. C. A.: Oct. 18, JudgeDavis, subject selected
Oct. 25, John Hessong,subject selected
Nov. 1, Babbi Leipzieger, subject .selected
Nov. 8, Miss Anderson, subject selected.SOCIETY Y. W. C. A.On Sept, 27, 1902, the Y. W. C. A. tendered areception, at the Association H...