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Description: 80THE NORMAL ADVANCEand Time Keeper—Fishback. Scorer—Westphal.Attention was now turned to the interclassgames, the first of which were held on December 9, as follows: College Course vs. Juniors,and Sophomores vs. Seniors. The games werefast and furious, and at the final taps of thegong the college men and Seniors were in thelead.Line up and summaries:College (35). Juniors (30).Unverferth F JacksonKnauth, Wright F FortnerHaln, Hemmer C StifflerKoch G ClarkSakel, Caffee G BrownField goals—Unverferth (6), Haln, Stiffler(4), Clark (3), (Jackson (5), Wright, Knauth(2), Koch. Foul goals—Unverferth (5), Stiffler.Seniors (30). Sophomores (17).Johnson, Warren F McDonaldChildress .•. .F MartinFishback. C Smith, PriddyWilson G AllenHyndman G HaukField goals—Fishback (7), Childress (6),Martin (4), Warren, McDonald (2), Allen,Johnson, Smith. Foul goals—Childress, Fishback, Martin.The second game of the season with DanvilleNormal College on December 13 was anotheroverwhelming victory for our team. From thefirst ten seconds of play in which Stiffler threwour first goal the game was all State Normal.At once Knauth and Unverferth picked uptheir speed and not once was the opposition ableto stop the splendid team work of these two.Stiffler had things all his way with the pivotman, and our guard work could not be excelled.At the end of the first half the score was 34 to6 in our favor.After the first few minutes of play in the second half the game was a monotonous successionof goals for the State school, and at the finalblast of the whistle the score stood State Normal, 82 to 19.The lineup and summary:Normal. Danville.Knauth, Johnson F SpencerUnverferth, Wright... .F HarveyStiffler, Knauth C AdamsWilson, Caffee G McGillClark G... Dickman, ThomasField goals—Unverferth (6), Knauth (13),Stiffler (13), Clark (3), Harvey (5), Adams,Johnson. Foul goals—Adams (7), Unverferth (4). Referee—Charman. Umpire andtime-keeper — Fishback. Scorer — AVestphal.Time of halves, twenty minutes.!?. JfflL C SLThe meetings of the Y. M. C. A. have beenof a very varied character during the pastmonth. Rev. Talmage spoke November 19,and the last three meetings heard the reportof the Hammond delegates, a talk by thepresident of the Y. W. C. A. and a talk byProf. Lynch. The meeting of December 17will be addressed by Mr. Jacobson (commonlyknown as Jake), the state student secretaryof the Y. M. C. A. During this term the association while maintaining its attitude of religious thinking has been trying to be practical, especially in the matter of helping thestudent in financial ways. It has been fairlysuccessful in this but still there is much to bedone and much that can be done in the field ifall boys put forth their most earnest and sincere effort to elevate and purify school conditions.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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