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Stinesville High School, Quarrian, 1958, Page 17

Description: SENIOR CLASS HISTORYWell, here we are, the seniors of 1958. When we were in our first year of school we were a muchlarger class than we are now. The members who started out with us that are not with us now are DeanLivingston, David Figg, Richard New, Charles Kiser, William Payton, Otis Williams, Rada Willis, Shirley Elkins, Brenda Hancock, Leon Stephens, William Medley, Paul Nicholson, Tom Marsh, Jim BobKale, Ethel Smith, Anita Crist, Harold Welsh, Leroy Marker, Joetta Van Deventer, Frank Swafford,Carol Hite, Leroy Harris, Patty Cowden, and Joe Nanny. Our Class was very big and our teacher, Mrs.Mattmiller, had quite a job settling our arguments and keeping us settled long enough to teach us the3-Rs.With a few additions and subtractions we started out our second year with forty-two members andMiss Miller as our teacher. By the time most of us had struggled out of the second grade and into thethird grade we had quite a reputation as does every class. Mrs. Worman was our teacher and she taughtus how to write which was a switch from what we had been doing. We had our first man teacher whenwe went into the fourth grade. He was Mr. Childers. Some of us were pretty worried at first but as youmight assume, all turned out well with our happy forty members. Our fifth year rolled around and wehad Mr. Dillon as our teacher. This year glided along smoothly and before we knew it we were sittingin the room with Mrs. May teaching our 39 members in our last year of grade school.When we started our seventh year we were starting to think and plan our future years in school. Mrs.Carpenter, our sponsor, advised and guided us through the year and we all appreciated her help verymuch. Mr. Pogue was the sponsor of the eighth grade and we went smoothly through the last year ofJunior High.When our class found themselves entering high school as Green Freshmen as they called us, webegan to feel pretty much like big shots. We began to think about making money for our seniortrip. We had bake sales and other projects. Mrs. Vaughan was our sponsor. Mrs. Lehman found herself with quite a job on her hands the next year. The sophomores were going to sell candy during thenoon hour. We made quite a bit from our selling and went to our eleventh year.Junior Carnival was the first thought on the minds of the Juniors in 57 . We were naturallywanting to make ours the biggest and best. On our list next was the Junior play which presented somewhat of a problem. We had 30 members and only ten characters in our cast. Our sponsors Mrs. Landisand Mrs. Smith picked the best actors from our class with the help of Mrs. Franklin. This was a veryshort year and we breezed right through.Now we are in our last year of school and are growing more fond of school each day. We arelooking forward to our senior trip, and we know all of our 26 members will enjoy themselves verymuch. The members to wind up our last year at Old Stinesville High are Ann Davis, Barbara Britton, Janet Gillaspy, Linda Frye, Nancy Livingston, Duane Moore, Dan Bowman, Don Bowman, DonHeaddy, Laymon Williams, Nancy Morrison, Judy Taylor, Judy Terrell, Richard McNeal, JackyValentine, Howard Payton, Cena Turpin, Mary Ann McKee, Hazel Hughes, Sara Figg, June Snodgrass, Glora Wanpler, Wilma Ferguson, Charles Keller, Robert Stines, and Ronna Brown. Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Booth will be remembered as our last sponsors.Judy TaylorJune Snodgrass
Collection: Stinesville High School

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