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16THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.ful. At the first meeting Miss Schafer extendeda hearty welcome to every girl in school to joinwith us at the second Miss Mayo, our state secretary, was with us, giving us a part of her cheerand enthusiasm. We hope to have her with ussoon again, and we urge each girl to become personally acquainted with her,. At our last meetingMis Anderson addressed us.We feel very much encouraged with the membership this fall, sixty-four new members havingunited with us, making in all about one hundredand six members. This is one of the largest memberships the asociation has had in the fall term,and we must contribute this to our faithful vicepresident, Miss Hatch, who has proven herself agood fisherman, and we trust that, before the yearis ended, she, with her mighty band, may reachevery girl in school.Much interest is being shown in Bible study thisyear. Three classes have already been organizedand we hope more will have to be. Miss Sankeyhas a class who are studying the Life of Christ Mary V. Peterson is leader of the Bible Marksmen and Miss Hatch has taken up The Studyof Old Testament History. We hope more girlswil join some one of these classes, which, we trust,will be helpful not only now, but throughout life.Missionary classes are being organized now byMiss King, and will soon be in good working or-der.-■ A new plan for the work of the association hasbeen adopted by the cabinet. It is called the spokeplan. A chairman is appointed for each department of work, who has under her sub-chairmen,who, in turn, have committees who take charge ofspecial phases of work in the department. Bythis means a large number of girls are doing activework.The Association House is a beautifully furnished house for girls. The rooms are all filled,and about thirty-five girls are boarding in thehouse. Another table is to be filled.The state convention will be held in GreencastleOct. 23 to 26. We trust as many girls as possiblycan will attend.The programme for following month: Oct. 16,the workings of Association Oct, 23, promisemeeting, Miss Jackson Oct, 30, missionary meeting, Miss King Nov. 6, Bible study, PresidentParsons.Joint meeting of Y. M. C. A.: Oct. 18, JudgeDavis, subject selected Oct. 25, John Hessong,subject selected Nov. 1, Babbi Leipzieger, subject .selected Nov. 8, Miss Anderson, subject selected.SOCIETY Y. W. C. A.On Sept, 27, 1902, the Y. W. C. A. tendered areception, at the Association House, to the girlsof the school, for the purpose of getting better acquainted. Quite a large crowd responded to theinvitation and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Ee-freshments, consisting of tea and wafers, wereserved.Y. W. AND Y. M. C. A.The annual joint reception of the Y. W. nadY. M. C. A. was held, Oct, 3, in the Associationrooms. In spite of the rain, there was a large attendance. The rooms were beautifully decoratedand music and games formed the evenings entertainment. Punch was served.THE WOMANS LEAGUE.The Womans League has entered upon its sixthyear as a fixed organization in the school. It recognizes that one of the necessary phases of students life is social intercourse and seeks to further this by pleasant and profitable means. It hasbeen the custom- of the League to present attractions along the line of noted public speakers andwriters and this year promises advantages whichno one can afford to miss. Arrangements are almost completed to bring Mrs. Jones, of Chicago,who was one of the most gifted and popularspeakers at the Federation of Clubs, to fill onenumber on the programme. She will probablycome the last of October. Other numbers will beannounced later. It is hoped that every girl inschool will avail herself of these opportunities andlend her suport toward making the League successful and helpful.Eeaclers of The Advance will remember, nodoubt, the organization of the school during the |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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