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Showing 41 - 60 of 503 results
Search Results - (( fire date fish...
Showing 41 - 60 of 503 results
As the butterflies in her stomachflew Up, Up, and Away, DebbieEmerson was crowned 1969 Homecoming Queen. A parade of decoratedcars, a special...
Bloomington High School
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——they area-changinDuring their game at Bloomington South on January 24, the Harlem Globetrottersadded another element of fun by instating on...
Bloomington High School South
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In a 4-0 sweep againstthe San Diego Padres,the New York Yankeeswin the 1998 World Seriesto claim their 24thchampionship. TheYankees 125 totalvictories...
Edgewood High School
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BOYS SOCCERSenior Zach Veldman discusses his yearsplaying on Norths soccer team.When did you first start playing soccer^What was your favorite me...
Bloomington High School North
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28THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Athletics.Although we were handicapped on account theinexperience of our players, we have developed ateam which is now able to...
Illinois Normal, 0.BASKET BALL.Plans are being made for a busy Basket Ballseason, and immediately after Thanksgiving daythe class basket ball games...
meanwhile the different class teams will be getting into shape.Mr. Alfred Henry and Miss Forest Cunningham, managers of the regular school teams,...
Indiana State University Archives
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80THE NORMAL ADVANCEand Time Keeper—Fishback. Scorer—Westphal.Attention was now turned to the interclassgames, the first of which were held on...
Indiana State University Archives
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Going for the reverse lay-up, TedMunson soars above his oppo-Reserves go 20-0For the first time in recent history Souths reserve team had a&...
Bloomington High School South
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&jMZj£s@&zSC the llamarada isfetfg^&go&sfg1934-1935 SEASONWith eight of the first ten men graduating in 1935, the outlook for the1934-...
Ellettsville High School
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ne against Martinsville onAugust 24. The Panthers fought hard but lost a close game 37-20. PHOTO BY AMELIA MORRIS7. Sophomore Henry Niswander...
Bloomington High School South
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-*»»*Swing batter batter! All eyes are on Chris Ring as he swings at a pitch during a gameagainst Martinsville.Ready to run...
Edgewood High School
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aV^> wr ™Mr. Basketball1. Senior captainJordan Hulls attemptsto successfully performa wrap-around pass toa teammate, photo byPAUL BAECHTOLD2. Sophomor...
Bloomington High School South
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Dedication. Determination. Diligence.Senior Josh Combs was known as a leader on the football field.Early in the football season his dedication was...
Bloomington High School South
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n:■,,\TOP PICTUREBill Tandy; Mr. Stradling, Faculty Manager; Mr.Ward Baker, Assistant Coach; Mr. Harold Mumby,Football Coach; Mr. Gle...
Bloomington High School
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BWYS TENNISJunior Mac Rogers Talks About His Years onthe North Tennis TeamQ: What have you improved most on sincefreshman year?A: The...
Bloomington High School North
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Story by Krissi TarrSide ponytails, off-the-shoulder sweaters, spandex pants, leg warmers, and big hair were seen throughout Bloomington South High Sc...
Bloomington High School South
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE187shape. The contest was very slow and full offouls, but the number of personal combats andcomical spills entertained the audi...
Let fact be fact, and life the thing it can.—Clough.
Indiana State University Archives
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Basketball LettermenJoe Parrott, senior forward, was a good rebound man and one of the hardestworkers on the team . . . Charles Parrott,...
Bloomington High School
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The Cougar varsity team hadmore than its share of injuriesthis season. Mike Mossbrucker,the second leading rusher thisseason, dislocated his shoulderin...
Bloomington High School North
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Keeping his eye on the ball, juniorJoey Mackey gets a hit againstBloomington North. Mackey,who finished with a .402 average,was one of 10 ju...
Bloomington High School South
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right: Sophomore WesShepard talks about hislacrosse experience whilehanging out at North.below: Wes Shepardmanages to not getscored on by histeammates...
Bloomington High School North
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