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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2013, Page 11

Description: ne against Martinsville onAugust 24. The Panthers fought hard but lost a close game 37-20. PHOTO BY AMELIA MORRIS7. Sophomore Henry Niswander gets a drink on the sideline during Souths first game againstBedford North Lawrence on August 1 7. The Panthers started the season with a bang, winning 34-20. PHOTO BY AMELIA MORRIS. 8. junior Lauren Noble and sophomore Morgan Lentz cheeredduring Souths first football game on August 1 7. Pumping up the crowd and getting everyoneexcited about the rest of the football season was a big task for the cheerleaders. PHOTO BY EMILYMOON 9. Senior Stephen Beall celebrates a touchdown reception with sophomore Logan Kirbyduring the Panthers first game of the season against Bedford North Lawrence. PHOTO BY AMELIAMORRISfirst dowdeterminedThe football team had great expectations for their2012 season which kicked off with a victory againstBedford North Lawrence.As varsity quarterback seniorMatthew Henderson stepped outonto the lush green grass of theBloomington South football field, herealized there was a lot riding onhis back. Coming off of a rockyseason in 201 1, the football teamhad much to improve upon and asthe new quarterback, he had toprove himself at this crucial firstgame of the season.Actually, I wasnt as nervousas I thought I would be,Henderson said about the biggame. I knew we were strong as ateam and could absolutely win.Hendersons confidence translatedinto his playing and kept the entireteam energized, aggressive andready to truly fight for victory.With so much passion andteam spirit, the Panthers beat theiropponents, Bedford NorthLawrence, with a final score of34-20. More importantly, theyfilled the student body with hopeand excitement for a successfulseason and rekindled the truePanther Football spirit of the school.Senior Logan Letner also feltrevitalized by the first win of theseason. There was some anxietyleading up to the game, he said,but when I got out there, all mybrothers and I, we were completelyfocused on the task at hand.Winning was the best reward in theworld.The football team seemed tohave grown into a tight-knit groupthrough a summer of grueling two-a-days, work outs and scrimmages.The teams hard work, tight bondand strong leadership manifestedthemselves in the first win and gavethe school hope for more victoriesto come.-SARA NEMES4
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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