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Showing 141 - 160 of 1,537 results
Search Results - (( fair shake tre...
Showing 141 - 160 of 1,537 results
Just Say It.. Juniorsighcla<aneB3fic1meaneschool is about more than;ses, getting into college,everything else peopless over. Its about makingnories, having...
Bloomington High School North
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QZ<D<CO<LUCOLU ICO h-oCN<The adaptation of Disneys Beauty and the Beastwas released in U.S. theaters on March 17. Thislive action remake s...
Bloomington High School South
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Just Say It... Sophomorests better than goingto south. The first day^■^ 1 ^^\#l I \J\J I I I I I V?...
Bloomington High School North
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LETS TALK ABOUT SEXSenior Eliza Goehl creates safe place to talk about sexual assault.Instead of getting an early case of senioritis her jun...
Bloomington High School North
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Interview with one of the 500 Clarksville, Indiana residents who remained behind and rode out the flood in one of the 2 shelters set...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Carmel.The victory meant more work, as well as anopportunity to compete for a national title.While spending numerous hours in preparationeach day,...
Bloomington High School South
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Orlando ShootingWhen an American man gunned down a gaynight club in Orlando on June 12, 2016, the news shockedand devastated the country. Fo...
Bloomington High School North
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208THE NORMAL ADVANCEI will write some time next year of mywanderings and life in Europe. I do not yetknow the order of my stay in...
in generalone must have a gas, either already formed andthen introduced by some mechanical means, orto be evolved in the dough itself by...
Indiana State University Archives
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beds so people know not to walk in that part and thenwhatever grass or trees or flowers are in there wont gettrampled. Theres just ...
Harmony School
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Forever in High SchoolStory by Megan DyerPhoto by Kasey EdieSome people never truly leave high school.Assistant principals Andrea Mobley and MarcusDeb...
Bloomington High School North
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SENIORSRachel Nicole WaldripActivities Involved:VolleyballFuture Plans:Go to University of Indianapolisand become a physical therapist.Best Memory:Senior year.Camero...
Edgewood High School
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Story Bur Anna Z,aretWhen it comes to digging deefer into the happeningsof south high school the staff members of Souths newspaper The optml...
Bloomington High School South
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perspectiveoRachel WalkersophomoreWhat is your favorite place in Bloomington?A: Indiana University Campus.Why is that your favorite?A: I love the...
Bloomington High School South
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around the world in aStudents found themseves in a whirlwind of cultures at DiversityDay where booths informed people about different countries.Divers...
Bloomington High School South
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searching for the lightThe religious clubs of Bloomington Southoffered members a place to make friendsand explore questions of faith.campusliltWHO: Me...
Bloomington High School South
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Tom Tiiley and Jill Franck share an intimate moment.Prom King and Queen: Bryan Wickens and TaraNice.Joni Gilstrap boogies with her date Vern...
Edgewood High School
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fo>oBest Buddies is an all-inclusive club whose aim isspecial needs students and their peer mentors.In the midst of everything happening in th...
Bloomington High School South
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COzDaLL5Z0z>-ID \oRunning on its own can be hard, but some peoplego to the extremes to finish a race. Twenty -fouryear old Maggie No...
Bloomington High School South
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Whats yourStudy Style?Matt Vlasmanby Jessee HahnWhether it was becauseof an odd personal quirk orindividual taste, studentsstudy habits contained amixture&...
Bloomington High School South
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