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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2011, Page 27

Description: Just Say It.. Juniorsighcla<aneB3fic1meaneschool is about more than;ses, getting into college,everything else peopless over. Its about makingnories, having a good time,loing what you love.uThis school is just random. Thisschool is very unique. There isnothing you can say about onething cause its so different.Alexis Pennef%% fftflh schooJ has been a great experiencefor me, especially because it helped my lifesocially. Not that I care too much aboutpopularity or anything, I was just one quiteawkward, quiet nerd before I made thesewonderful friends. Its just awesome to havegood times with awesome friends who thinkIm awesome. Theyre my great motivation,and yeah, basically Mends changed my life alot better and fm really thankful/June LeeHigh school has been quite an exerience for me. I wentto St. Charles for 11 years before coming to North, so highschool was like a whole new world for me. I didnt haveto wear a uniform anymore, I had a lot more freedom, and[I] have met so many amazing people who have becomegood friends [and] who hope to keep for life.Mary EdgeworthAddy SmithI wouldnt want to go toschool with anyone else.The kids at North are thebest kind of people, theywelcome everyone. Theresa place for everybodyat school. Even thoughwe dont have the nicesttilings, or the fanciestbuilding, or the highestranked sports, we are thebest No matter what youthink of North, you gottalove the Cougars.Karima BoukaryrHikehow Northis reallydiverse.Theres agroup foreveryonehere/Courtney Baugh00B
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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