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Showing 1 - 20 of 902 results
Search Results - (( dive park phon...
Showing 1 - 20 of 902 results
PHILIP CORRELLPresideCYNTHIA DEhV. PrJROBERT STIMSONSecretary^^i^^JACK LEFFLERi J J^rrer .THE SENIOR CLASS OF 1935The senior class of 1935 o...
Bloomington High School
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SCHCCLS1933 CLASS OFFICERSLeft to Right—William Stout, President; Ruth Thompson, Secretary; Robert Bad-ertscher, Vice President; Sarah Snyder, Treas...
Bloomington High School
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H I S T 0 R YThe class of 1944 is the first in the history of the University School tograduate with the memories of both ...
University High School
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ANNUAL REGISTER.15The State Normal School, then, undertakes to fulfill the pur¬
pose of its organization by (1) leading the student t...
(2) giving a comprehensive knowledge of mind
the study of the history and science of education, and (4) a sys¬
tem of instruction in methods, and an extended...
and because of their greater maturity
are able to keep pace with these graduates.The third class includes those who have graduated from th...
Indiana State University Archives
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When We Were First GradersBottom Row-Dot Harris, Anne Faulkner, Mury Harris, June May, Ruth Cline, CatherineSears, Alice Richardson, Betty Wickens, Ba...
Ellettsville High School
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Records of President William Wood ParsonsIndiana State University ArchivesRecord Group UAR1.2.3Biographical or Historical Informaon: Indiana State...
Indiana State University Archives
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In nineteen hundred and twenty Normal Training school had inits first grade about eighteenvery small boys and -iris, some of whichstooa by t...
Sbomor joined our class. Our advisorand leader during these two years was Miss Martha CooleylThe Class enlarged a great deal with the beginn...
, Kerne Economics teacher, ^ddrew as her classthe eighth graders. It a: e under her supervision thatthe Little Theatre Club had its...
Indiana State University Archives
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12STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.tures on the Sensibilities and the Will, and the Habits of Action
to be established in connection with each class of...
Gymnastics during the course.Third Term (13 weeks.)—Lectures on the Order of Intellec¬
tual Development, and on the Organization...
an examination of the school
studies of the course viewed as products of the various faculties
of the mind
methods of instruction adapted to the Primary
and Intermediate work in the Common and Graded Schools
making out Plans of Lessons, Observation
and Practice in the
Model Schools.ADVANCED COURSE.Students who can pass a satisfactory examination in the
branches required by law to be taug...
Indiana State University Archives
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18STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.tures on the Sensibilities and the Will, and the Habits of Action
to be established in connection with each class of...
Gymnastics during the course.Third Term (13 weeks.)—Lectures on the Order of Intellec¬
tual Development, and on the organization...
an examination of the school
studies of the course viewed as products of the various faculties
of the mind
methods of instruction adapted to the Primary
and Intermediate work in the Common and Graded Schools
making out Plans of Lessons, Observation, and Practice in the
Model Schools. ADVANCED COURSE.Students who can pass a satisfactory examination...
Indiana State University Archives
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246THE NORMAL ADVANCESay, Yaller, the fellow at the Mission theother night, said that everybody was everybodyelses brother. Now, since youre my b...
yet to a large majority of those directly benefited, its worth is unknown, while to others it isan object of disgust or even of fe...
that the toad has power to poisonbabies by its breath
and that if you kill a toadyour cows will give bloody milk. How few ofus do not remember how we feared to handle atoad lest w...
Indiana State University Archives
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LEFT: Jenny Cohen suffers a fall during avolleyball game.BELOW: Jenny Cohen scores another® ® ©By doing things again and again,...
Bloomington High School South
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE223Miss B. Pearl Ellis, who has been studyingunder the Toedts in New York, this winter,has returned home and has opened a&...
vice leader, MissIris Fish
secretary, Miss Edna Lloyd, treasurer, Miss Nola Williams.The Omega Sorority, together with a number of its friends, was entertained Saturday afternoo...
Vice President, Mr.Watson
Secretary, Miss Paul
Treasurer, Mr.Kamman
Artist, Miss Fair
Editor, Mr. Lanning.The first regular meeting of the term washeld Friday evening, April 16. The next willbe held April 30. All Seniors are...
Indiana State University Archives
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of InterestTHE SENIOR SOCIAL.LAST months Advance stated that theSeniors had not been very active in socialaffairs, but hinted that a social would...
Indiana State University Archives
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Laconia High School was organized in 1896 and held its first commencement four years later on May 4, 1900 for its eight graduates. Arou...
Harrison County Schools
In the spring, there should be eight or ten fairly wellseasoned track and field athletes attempting to placeSmithville first in the Tri-County...
Smithville High School
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Class HistoryWe opened the door for the Freshmen Class of 1944 and 1945,and twenty-five members walked in. We were piloted by Dick Owens,Pre...
Unionville High School
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THE NORMAL ADVANCE119What then should the Y. M. C. A. as an organization, have to do with this problem?Every man that has lived ha...
Indiana State University Archives
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SENIOR HONORSNATIONAL HONOR SOC1ETI] MEMBERSTP7■!/> Allen Buskirk, Ronald Grubbs, Nancy Haskett, Jack Hettle, Dirk William Jellema, Halbert ...
University High School
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152THE NORMAL ADVANCECollege Course NotesThe College Course students held their election of officers January 28, and the followingwere given honors:...
Vice President, Miss Parsons
Secretary, MissCope
Treasurer, Mr. Row
Historian, MissConnor. The attendance at the meeting wasnot large, nevertheless, those who were presentwere enthusiastic. Committees were appointedto look ...
Brown, 3
Jones, 2
Riche, 1
Schorling, 3
Schoeppel, 1
Wood, 2
Laughlin, 1. Foul goals—Everett,8
Brown 3
Chadwick, 1. Referee—Kisner.Umpire—Reiter.In the curtain raiser Clinton defeated Normal. Seconds in a rough unscientific game, bythe score of 17...
Indiana State University Archives
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(girls J\tlji?itniaHELEN HODGMANAlthough this is only Miss Hodgmans second year in B. H. S., she hasproved to be a successful gym ...
Bloomington High School
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