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H I S T 0 R YThe class of 1944 is the first in the history of the University School tograduate with the memories of both Junior and Senior high school days. Duringthis first year this class made up the largest home room in the school. Theseseventh graders were very active in school functions, especially in intramurals.The first intramural award issued by the school was presented to this homeroom for being the champion of the year. A Halloween and Christmas partykept the social life buzzing during the first semester. Later in the year thegroup enjoyed a box supper, skating party, and picnic.In the second year of its history the class continued to be outstanding. Muchwas done during home room period to familiarize the students with parliamentary procedure. The main social event of the year was a skating party.The annual skating party was then established by the class as a tradition.By the Freshman year the class had expanded into two home rooms. Theseninth graders were very interested in school athletics. Three-fourths of thesecond team basketball team and one-half of the track team were Freshmanboys. The most outstanding convocation of 1941 was the InformationPlease program sponsored by the Freshman class.As Sophomores the class of 1944 continued its career in the UniversitySchool. Several social events were held. They included a box supper, twopicnics, and the annual skating party.Activities in the Junior year started with a Guinea Pig Hop and a picnic.This class held one of the most successful Penny Carnivals ever to be attemptedin the school. With the returns from the carnival a memorable Junior-SeniorProm was presented. Toward the end of the year a Junior Joe Day and apicnic were enjoyable social events given by the class.As Seniors the 1944 graduating class sponsored many activities. Duringthe first semester the comical Jordannus Skits were produced as a convocation.The fascinating Senior Play also made history in the dramatics of the school.The class took great pride in those Seniors on the basketball team and backedthem with school spirit. Dances after ball games and social hours were sponsored by the class. In the second semester all of the Seniors enjoyed the Promgiven for them by the Juniors. Further memories were made on that merrymaking Tramp Day and at the Senior-Faculty basketball game. The year’sactivities ended with the baccalaureate and commencement services. Theseyears in the University School have indeed been memorable ones for each andevery member of the graduating class of 1944.18The 1944 Jordannus |
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University High School |
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