184THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.F. D. McElroy, through Junior, will be principal of Wilson school, Crawfordsville, the comingyear.Mr. Charles Lewis, 00, and gra...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE163LOCALMiss Elsie Kirchhof, who is teaching in theVincennes schools, was mingling with Kappafriends, January 22.The Latin Club, composed...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE189Byrd May, the guest of Miss Kester, were alsoguests of the Section.OMEGA.The Omega Sorority entertained at the Association House,...
Reading, Prof. J. L. Lardner
Vocal Solo, Miss Minturn. Following the program ices, cakes and mints were served. Besides the majority of the college students, several members&...
Miss Cox, Miss Hamilton, and MissErickson
Mesdames J. J. Schlicher, E. M.Bruce, U. O. Cox, C. H. Bean, and A. R.Charman.
THE NORMAL ADVANCE223College Course anb Clas&egFLOOD-BELATED students have returned,sore, arms are much improved, the secondspring term has opened and ...
vice-president,Hubert Sakel
secretary, Winifred Ray
treasurer, Thomas Johnson
chairman Social Committee, Hazel Nelson
Athletic captain, HenryKnauth
class artist, Hazel Vernon
class editor, Carl Miller.Mr. Harvey Stork Avas at the same timeelected as the College Course representative tothe Advance Board of Control for...
52THE NORMAL ADVANCESOCIETYWOMENS LEAGUE.The Womens League has an exceptionallybright outlook for the year, 1908-09. The pres- •ident, Miss Frances ...
secretary, Miss Anna Paul
treasurer,Miss Ada Tichenor.Fourteen chapters have been organized.Plans have been made for several social functions to be given during the year. The...
the first ofa series of teas to be given by the WomensLeague. Besides the League members andFaculty, the Senior class was invited as ho...
Misses Mary Wible, Flora Sam-pert, Frances and Jean Guffigan. A hot supper was served, after which Miss BlancheHanley was hostess for a Vari...